Quick update of the “media” variety. I added 6 new pictures to Flickr, 4 of which are considered the “newest” and are thus on the Flickr thumbnails below. The pictures are from this years “Lindy Bowl”, a little fun swing dance party thrown by the Houston Swing Dance Society, of which Lauren and I are now card carrying members. Huzah for us. There’s lessons and dancing every Sunday and Sundays of the “Super” variety aren’t an exception. I think I’ve told you guys this before. I hate repeating myself. Anyways, there are some new pictures of Lindy Hop fun for all to see. I also shot a dozen or so videos with my new camera. They’re quite large (800×600, 30fps, SuperFine quality, uncompressed AVIs) so I’m not sure there is an easy way of sharring them. Anyone know a video Flickr? One that will let you upload 500+ megs of video.
Also, in anticipation of the next patch EA Games BROKE the stat system for Battlefield 2, so that 10,000 should be somewhere in the 10,400 range. At least, that’s the damage I laid down this afternoon. A few rounds of Karkland and Sharqi followed by some Special Forces action. Toss in a couple of gold stars, 100pt rounds and a medal or two and you’ve got my typical Monday.
That’s about it gang. Stay tuned for more fun page tweaks and other projects.
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