Double Talk

“Conspiracy theorists and civil libertarians, fear not. The U.S. government will not use radio-frequency identification tags in the passports it issues to millions of Americans in the coming years.

Instead, the government will use “contactless chips.”

That is why Homeland Security is engaging in doublespeak, to dupe Americans into accepting RFID tags on their passports, said Barry Steinhardt, director of the ACLU’s Technology and Liberty Program.”

Gotta love that. Read More. Thanks Wired.

Funny Phone Call Friday

Actual phone calls or voice mail messages we’ve gotten at work this week. Names have been changed to protect the absolutely stupid:

Voicemail Msg: “Hello, this is Janet, I’m looking for a wedding photographer for my daughters wedding, could you please call me back at… *leaves OUR phone number*”


Elderly Gentleman: “Do you sell photos?”
Me: “Yes, yes we do”
EG: “Wonderful, I’d like to order some pictures from my daughters wedding”
Me: “Alrighty sir, what is your daughters name?”
*shuffles papers trying to find that particular wedding*
Me: “Sir, when did we shoot this wedding?”
EG: “You didn’t, but the photographer that did has gone out of business”


Voicemail Msg: “Hello, this is Marsha, we had our pictures taken yesterday, are they ready yet? Please call me back at…”


Young Woman: “Yes, I’m having problems accessing your website, I’m using AOL and it keeps saying “unable to connect”, could you help me?”
Me: “Certainly, have you tried the website on a different computer or different web browser”
YW: “Not yet, I haven’t even connected to AOL yet, I just wanted to make sure it was working before I did”
*Matt slams head into desk*


You know, I didn’t believe those tech-support horror stories until I was actually involved with one or two. Oh well, it’s not like pageant contestants are the smartest people on the planet anyway.

That’s all for today kids. Later.