by Matt | Dec 21, 2012 | Baseball, Personal
So, crazy idea. I’m seriously considering hosting a group break in January. I wanted to mention it because I need input and suggestions.
First, what do YOU want to break? Obviously, availability and price come into play at some point, but in a perfect world what would you want to open? Do we go retro? Do we stay current? No, I’m not busting 5-Star, so don’t even go there.
Second, how much are you willing to pay for said break? Are we busting 2012 Bowman and GQ at $20 a slot? Are we busting 2007 Flagship at $5 a slot? Give me an idea of what a sweetspot would be.
Third, are you INTERESTED in a break? Is there anything even worth breaking right now?
I’m just looking to gauge general interest. How many people who read this would want “in”? If I get 2 suggestions and no interest, that’s ok, we’ll try again later. If I get 10 people clamoring to bust something, game on!
Discuss amongst yourselves. I’ll be back in January with either a Break announcement, or a post about what I opened for my birthday, lol.
Have a great Christmas everybody!
by Matt | Dec 14, 2012 | Baseball
I had a bunch of late November/early December purchases and the first ones started to arrive in the ol’mailbox. I figured I’d post them now since the end of December will probably have it’s fair share of stuff, plus I’m hoping to bust at least a box of something for my birthday. So, here’s “December: Part1 – The Decembering” lol…
by Matt | Dec 3, 2012 | Baseball
I, like most of you, made a rather large purchase at COMC on Black Friday. The exception being that mine just arrived, and you guys were blogging about yours last week. Oh well. At least it showed up, right?
I can’t really claim I got anything mind blowing, but I did manage to destroy a huge chunk of my set want-lists, effectively finishing off most of 2011-12, save for a few short prints. That was huge for me. Those finished pages in the binders give me that little happy internal nerd smile. You know the one I’m talking about.
by Matt | Nov 29, 2012 | Baseball
Ryan over at “O” No!!! Another Orioles Blog had posted up some tradebait before Thanksgiving and I couldn’t help but jump on a couple awesome relics he had. I sent him a bunch of Orioles and he sent these beauties my way.
by Matt | Nov 12, 2012 | Baseball, Personal
Ok, so, I have a confession, and a question. A Confestion. I’m an artsy guy, and as such the left side of my brain isn’t exactly in the driver’s seat when it comes to organization. I’ve managed to make a few attempts at organizing the collection, mostly the typical binders (albeit with interesting spines)…
by Matt | Nov 9, 2012 | Baseball
So, October has come and gone and the card faeries have been especially kind. I made several trades, a couple group breaks, and the usually random ebay cheap pickups. I did manage to scan the break cards from both Sam and Ryan (thanks guys!) but I honestly have no idea where the files are and I’ve already filed the cards in my binders. Same goes for the two trades, again, with Sam and Ryan. Have I mentioned how awesome you guys are? Anyway, as I mentioned before, it was one hell of a month. My freelance stuff finished up nicely and I’m waiting on two nice checks to arrive. I hoping to save those up for some crazy Black-Friday card shenanigans.
As for the rest of my cards, since I couldn’t find the files, I rescanned what I still had on my desk. That’s what I have for sharing today.
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