by Matt | Oct 23, 2012 | Baseball
So, Giants and Tigers huh? That’s not a bad World Series. Certainly more interesting than a Yankees/Cardinals WS, right? I was actually kind of pulling for the Nationals to go a little further, but the Giants are among my “if I didn’t have the Red Sox…” optional rooting teams. That’s a pretty small list by the way. Astros, Giants, Nationals, Blue Jays, Rangers, for the record. Those are the teams I don’t mind rooting for, unless they’re playing Boston of course. I was thinking about it and I don’t think it’s odd to have a “B list” of teams you don’t mind seeing do well, do you? Most of those teams have players that I’m interested in watching on them, so perhaps it’s more of a “I respect the players” sort of thing, and not so much their geographical location. I’ve never been to San Francisco, but I do like Brandon Belt, Buster Posey, Hunter Pence and Marco Scutaro as players. I even have a couple Belt and Pence rookie cards.
Anyone else think it’s odd that no one congratulates Posey, ever, at the end of a game? It’s very odd. He just kind of stands there and everyone else goes around him.

Happened last night too. I wonder if nobody likes him.
Also, Hunter Pence, with a beard, is freaky. He looks like a crack addict. Some people just shouldn’t do the beard thing. Hunter, sorry bud, you’re one of them.

As far as Detroit is concerned, it sounds bad, but they’re just not on my radar. Verlander is obviously interesting to watch, but I’m not really a huge fan of Fielder or Cabrera. Sure, he just won the triple crowd, but I can’t honestly say I’ve paid attention to him, or anyone in their line up, at any point in their careers. I actually just looked through Detroit’s lineup and I don’t even recognize most of the names. Besides the big 3, I would have been able to name Aníbal Sánchez, just because I have one of his autos, and Alex Avila, because he was my Fantasy team catcher last year. That’s about it.
As far as the series in concerned, Detroit’s got Verlander to get them started, but the Giants have the hot bats at the moment. I’ll give game 1 to Detroit, but I think the Giants will take the series in 6. What do you guys think?
by Matt | Oct 4, 2012 | Baseball
You’re going to have to excuse me while I do a little happy dance over here. The mailman just dropped off the final piece to my GQ relic puzzle.
by Matt | Oct 4, 2012 | Baseball
I don’t normally pimp group breaks, mostly because nine times out of ten they fill themselves within minutes. This one is special. Sam over at the DailyDimwit is breaking a bunch of stuff including a full box of Triple Threads. We’re more than half filled, with 13 teams to go. So, if you collect any of the following, get over there and sign up!
Teams still available:
Blue Jays
Also, if you collect the Marlins, drop me a line. I’ve acquired a huge stack of Marlins cards over the past year or two and I don’t have any Miami trading partners.
by Matt | Oct 4, 2012 | Baseball, Personal
Well, with the regular baseball season coming to an end, and the playoffs about to start, that means that fantasy baseball has come to a close. A big congratulations to Derek from Tomahawk Chopping for his first place finish!

Derek’s record of 15-5 was also the best in the league and he had a sizable (10-game I think) winning streak at one point. Also, congratulations to my father, Mark, for his 2nd place finish, just a single game behind Derek and only 17pts away from the championship. I’m sure I’ll hear about that for the next 6 months, lol. Thanks Derek.

Myself, I came in 3rd, narrowly missing the championship game by just 20pts the week before. I think that shows the benefits of starting over and re-drafting occasionally. Plus, the changes I made to the rules this year, in my opinion, helped keep the teams fairly even.

The points for/against columns tell a tale of much closer matchups than the over all records show. For example, even though I ended up 12-8, my pf/a difference was nearly identical to Derek, meaning we had nearly identically lineups. I love stats.
Anyway, a big huge thank you to everyone who played this year. I think we all had a lot of fun. I know I did. Fantasy Baseball is one of those things that helps me get into the game more, and actively pay attention to all the teams, not just the Red Sox.
Thanks again everyone, and now it’s time to kick back and watch the real playoffs. It’s going to be an awesome October.
by Matt | Sep 24, 2012 | Baseball
Well… this kind of speaks for itself. I’m just going to leave this here…

by Matt | Sep 18, 2012 | Baseball
Been a pretty random month for purchases. Mostly stuff off ebay, and most of those were to quell my Chrome disappointment. Let’s start off with another warning why you never send anything of value in a PWE (if you’re a seller on ebay).
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