Trade with NightOwl

Small yellow envelopes are now officially my favorite thing to see in the mailbox. Not that I had a previous favorite thing in the mailbox, because my electric bill certainly doesn’t qualify, but you know what I mean.

Last week I worked out my first trade with NightOwl. I actually received the cards before the 4th, but I took some time with the family over the weekend so I’m just now getting back to posting. For my part, I sent some Dodger goodness his way and he repaid me in Red Sox.



Just an fyi, 13601 and 36695, you packages went out yesterday. You should have them tomorrow or Monday.

Bargin Box Win

Has anyone else noticed the crazy stuff that’s starting to sneak into the “value” box as Target and/or Walmart?

Maybe it’s just my Target, because I’ve never heard of anyone else running across stuff like this. From the same store that continuously supplies me my ’08/’09 Upper Deck X, last night I found a half dozen packs of 2007 Future Stars and another half dozen packs of SP Authentic. No joke.

I bought a bunch, and this was in pack #1…

$1.59. Sold!

June’s Break Loot

So, Matt over at Cardboard Conundrum was having a huge break this month and I jumped in hoping to finish off my sets for 2012 so far, which I did. Topps Series 1, Series 2, Archives and Gypsy Queen are now, as they say, in the books. Well, as far as base cards go. Heritage is down to a single short print, and I’m still searching out a couple more minis, and two more relics for GQ, but that’s a post for a different time. On to the loot!



WHY?!?! What’s next, let Papi walk, trade Ellsbury and resign Daisuke?!?! WTF front office. WTF.

I mean, I know he’s hurt 95% of the time, but damn, his OBP is ridiculous. Hasn’t Ben read Moneyball. What does Youk do? He gets on base. All. The. Time.

Come on! At least get more for the guy than two AAA leftovers and some cash. That’s just ridiculous.

Series 2 Hobby Box

So, when my wife asked me what I wanted for Father’s Day, 3 things entered my mind. A steak, Uncharted 3, and some baseball cards. I’ve already had my steak, and Uncharted 3 is on it’s way via Amazon. The Series 2 hobby box she got me however, showed up early, and she let me bust into it and spill it’s cardboard goodness like a parallel stuffed piñata.

I enjoy metaphors way too much. lol.

I got the obligatory jersey card for my hit, but also managed a black border /61. I scanned and sorted the whole box this morning. If you’re in need of something from Series 2, or are just trying to knock off you’re team set, let me know.
