Tristar Post 5 of 6 – The HITS

Ok, so I’ve reversed the order a little. I figured it made more sense to post the really nice hits I got last weekend BEFORE I posted the entirety of the personal collection haul, just because it would make more sense to include the hits in the personal collection, rather than leaving them mysteriously out for some odd sense of blog drama.

I won’t blabber on endlessly on some rant about hits and jerseys and on-card versus sticker autographs or anything like that. I’d rather talk about the cards. Because they are awesome. At least to me.  Let’s do this!


Tristar Post 4 of 6 – The Rookies

We’re getting closer to the hits. Can you feel it? Posts 4 and 5 are all about the personal collection. Well, technically post 6 is as well, but I’m saving the best for last.

One thing I found interesting, and still do, is that the concept of a “Rookie Card” has changed dramatically. I suppose part of it is due to the inclusion of parallels, refractors, numbered cards and the like. By including inherently rare sub-sets of cards, you make the normal rookie card less special and more ordinary. Bowman (via Topps) is the worst offender. People often talk about “collecting the rainbow” of a players Bowman card. There’s a regular version, a refractor, a “super fractor”, a blue, gold, orange, red and rare 1/1 canary yellow uberfractor (my word). The “regular card” isn’t worth squat. But that 1/1 canary yellow card? Those are worth a couple hundred bucks. Why? Perceived value? Rarity over common sense? If you put on some gloss and a really low serial number, does that somehow make it instantly worth something. Even if the player is NEVER going to reach the majors?


Tristar Post 3 of 6 – Trade Bait

So, my main goal at the show, once I realized the sorts of cards I was going to be buying, switched from “buy a couple cool cards” to “completely clean out the $0.25 box”. Well, technically there were multiple boxes of varying amounts of money, but the point is that I gobbled up just about every Red Sox card I came across. I ended up getting 120+ refractors and base cards. That little bit of “personal collection” I’ll save for part 5. This post is about something else all together.


Tristar Post 2 of 6 – the Box

So, if you remember back, one of my goals for the card show was to buy a hobby box of something. I didn’t know what I would find there, so I kept my options open. I was hoping for a box of Upper Deck X but never found one. There ended up being plenty of stuff to choose from. It was the end of the day, I only had $100 left and I knew I couldn’t afford something crazy like a box of Triple Threads or anything. So, I was trying to decide between the cheaper products and two caught my eye. A box of 2006 Upper Deck Future Stars and a box of 2007 UD SP Authentic. I had participated in Sam’s group break of Future Stars so I was familiar with it. Five rookie autos were the selling point and from a personal perspective I really liked the look of the cards, especially the autos on the clear plastic. The SP Authentic was familiar, but I didn’t have any 2007 personally (just 08 and 09) and I knew there were at least two of the the Letterman patches in there. It was also on sale, so that helped. I almost decided to skip the SP Authentic and get 3 jumbo boxes of regular Topps base (09 and 10 I think) but I convinced myself that a) I didn’t really give a crap about the base b) there were no guaranteed hits and c) Letterman patches were cool. So, SP Authentic it was.


Tristar Post 1 of 6 – the Show

While I’m waiting for the scanner to warm up, I might as well get the ball rolling by talking about the actual show itself. I figure I’ll break up the posts and scans into multiples so that you can just read what interests you the most (hits, trade bait, my personal collection, etc).

The show itself was actually a little smaller than I had pictured, but in retrospect, if it had been any larger I think my back would have given out from all the stuff I bought and crammed into my backpack. I had driven in with Sam and had some breakfast at a nearby Taco Cabana while we waited for the doors to the show to open. He had VIP tickets and could get in early and take a look around, which I would imagine helped him get his pile of autograph vouchers in order, but I’ll let him tell you about that. I had to wait outside with about 200 football fans until the doors opened to the general public a half hour later. The waiting wasn’t really an issue, but the organization for the event certainly could have been a little better. There was just a huddled mass around the doors and no one really in charge so it got a bit chaotic once they started letting people in.


Final Post Before Tristar

By the time this posts I’ll be on my way to the Tristar Sports Collectors show in Houston. I plan on feasting on massive amounts of penny boxes and cheap, worthless hits. I will gorge myself on cardboard, foil and sticker autos. I will, to borrow a phrase, “make it rain”… Actually, that’s a lie, I’m there for a deal. I’m going to slow play the whole day, like a poker player waiting for a big bluff. Either way, I’m probably not going to post again until at least Tuesday. Sunday will be a return trip to buy up whatever I didn’t get on Saturday. Monday will be for scanning and recovery. Check back on Tuesday for some of what I walked away with. Wish me luck!