I’ll give you $5 to use a paragraph tag.

My brother-in-law Chris has found his way to the web in the form of a journal. A badly formatted one, but a journal none-the-less. I congradulate him on making the jump from coffee house banter with friends to jornal for the world to see but there’s a few basic rules of english we need to explain to him. One would be our magically friend the paragraph. Hell, just hitting “enter” occasionally would help. Also, I believe this and this could be fairly eductional (especially the last one, it mentions Pocky).

Seriously though, welcome to the web Chris. You’ve been blog-rolled as well. Now… just keep the scary people on your friends list away and we won’t have any trouble… geeesh. Oh, and when you’re ready to leave the scare place that is that Blogger wannabe “Xanga”, just let me know and we’ll get you hooked up with some tasty Moveable Type or some Word Press.


So, how many of you spent the afternoon without power? I know I did. It was like camp, only lamer. We had rented the movie room at our apartment for a little Mothers Day cinema experience, complete with cheese dip and brownies. Not five minutes after finishing the first movie the power goes out and the rain and wind pick up. So much so that, back and the apartment, rain started coming in through the windows. Horizontal rain will do that. A few towels later and everything was fine. I brought a few candles and flash lights back over to the movie room where we waited out the storm. After it blew through everyone left and we cleaned up in the dark. The power came back and we watched our second movie with a smaller crowd so it turned out alright in the end. Which reminds me, I’ve got to take the key back over to the office.

Damn, and I hadn’t planned on leaving the apartment today.


A quick little shout to my buddy Nagle. I caught him on IM for about 15 minutes yesterday. Life in Savannah seems to be going well for him. He’s even gotten a nifty little website up, complete with journal. So, make sure you check out Penquins and Polar Bears and say hi.

On the subject of SCAD friends, it’s been far to long since I’ve talked to any of them. I really miss those guys. It was college and it wouldn’t have been the same without a roommate who sleeps 18 hours a day or without someone’s couch to hang out on. Last week when we were at Dave and Busters I kept wondering if Nagle wanted to play that virtual boxing again.

Anyway, enjoy the linkage, he’s been added to the BlogRoll as well. And Nagle, I hope that house works out for you.


Lauren’s brother gave me a call last night and said that his friend had tickets to a Houston Aero’s game, center ice. I’m not one to turn down hockey, especially when the seats rock, so off we went. The game wasn’t half bad, the Aeros won 2-0 against a rather pitiful team from San Antonio. When I think of San Antonio, hockey isn’t exactly the first thing to pop into my mind. Then again, the same could be said about Houston. At least it was fun. And with the NHL sesson in the shitter, it’s about all I’ve got. This is actually my 3rd Aero’s game this year and they’ll be more to come. Chris’ friend Jake gets tickets weekly and we’re going back on the 14th. So, huzzah to my brother in law for hooking us up with some hockey. Apparently it was Chris’ first hockey game too. By the end he was yelling “hit the bastard” along with the rest of us. He’ll be a fan in no time.

Hockey, the greatest sport on earth.

Oh, and extra thanks to Jake and his camera phone for the pictures!

And then there was hockey…

I mentioned last week the I had finagled my way into really cheap digital cable for the rest of my time here in Savannah and today was the day it was supposed to get turned on. Oh, and did it ever. Just in time for game 7, Wild vs. Canucks. I love hockey. I’ll say that again for emphasis. I love hockey. It’s the perfect sport. Baseball is a close second but I’d have to say that hockey is my sports weakness. Don’t get me wrong, I love baseball very much. There’s so much history and finesse with baseball but hockey is just so damn perfect its hard to beat.

Most guys who are “sports guys” are football fans (whether it’s american football or european football, aka soccer). I couldn’t dislike anything more. Most people who disagree with my hockey favoritism would argue that football and hockey are very similar, especially hockey and soccer. I say, if you can get a 400lb defensive linesman onto hockey skates, then I’d watch that too. You’ve got to have some serious skill to be able to skate that fast and hard, hit people and to bang out a 90mph wrist-shot.

Sports favoritism aside, the playoffs will be determined tonight. I’m excited. I can’t wait for the finals. Any combination of teams would please me as a fan. My two favorites, Boston and Toronto were knocked out in previous rounds so I’m not cheering for any team in particular. I really don’t care who wins.

Ah, the magic of ESPN. How I’ve missed thee. Having the Cartoon Network isn’t half bad either.


Matt out.