by Matt | May 27, 2003 | Imported Entry
Sorry I haven’t updated in a few days, there just been a lot going on. I’ll have to make this quick because there’s a lot going on today as well.
-Got my printing done by PhotoMaster. I’m now officially “finished” with my finals.
-With Chip’s help, came up with that little New Media project I was telling you about. It’s small and silly, but check it out anyway.
-Went to a dinner party last night at Tom and Lessie’s house. Ate to much, feeling sick this morning.
That’s mostly it. Just been a lot of work on random things, trying to tie up loose ends here and there. As for the next few days, I’m going to class today to present both my Fashion portfolio and my New Media art project, then I’m officially done. Tonight I’m going to help Lauren as much as I can with Photoshop so that she can get her work to her friend Kristen to be printed (Kristen has a super nice 11×14+ printer apparently). Thursday night the Arolfo’s fly in and we’re going to go out to Savannah Smiles with them that night. Friday my family arrives and we have graduation rehearsal in the afternoon. Saturday is graduation. Sunday my folks are leaving with the mini-van packed full of my stuff. Monday (?) Lauren is leaving for TX with Sarah and Tuesday I’m leaving Savannah with the remainder of my things and heading back home.
That’s the next week. As you can see, it’s a bit hectic. I’ve got to start packing/cleaning/organizing my stuff tonight, tomorrow and Thursday because I don’t see myself having much time over the weekend with graduation and family being in town.
Speaking of graduation, this is kind of cool, the ceremony is being web-cast. It’s listed about halfway down this page. If anyone’s bored and would like to watch, it’s 10am on Saturday.
Let’s see, oh yeah, I picked the new Less than Jake and John Digweed CDs. Both are excellent and highly recommended. That’s about it. I’ve got to get back to writing my “Artist’s Statement” for class this afternoon.
My apologies if I don’t update daily these next few days. I’m sure you understand.
by Matt | May 24, 2003 | Imported Entry
It’s been an interesting day here at Matt’s PC… I’ve been messing about in Photoshop working on a New Media art piece. I could go into a really long and boring explanation about what “new media” art is but I’ll save you the headache. Basically it’s all those flash “experiments”, weird video pieces and other random art things that are mostly lumped together because of their use of technology. I don’t really like’em but for some reason I have to create one… so I did. Once Chip hops online and gives me a hand with some programming it’ll be a photo gallery of sorts. It’s based on a program/script/screen-saver for linux called VidWhacker. Basically it’s demonstrating a William Burroughs/George Orwell theory about non-linear work. They were talking about writing, I’m using it for images. For each image you click on, you view that image, altered, in a completely random fashion. The theory comes in as the debate over whether or not the pieces or manipulations are equal to the whole. Is the manipulated image better/worse/different/thought provoking/etc, more so than the original?
Like I said, this is usually applied to writing. William Burroughs used a “cut up” theory in his writing. He would write a normal page, cut in it sections, rearrange those sections and there you had it. This is a little simpler. It’s a “what you see isn’t always what you get” sort of thing.
Anyway, that’s nearly done. I’ll feed you guys a link tomorrow so you can check it out.
That’s it for the moment, I’m sure I’ll come up with something else later.
by Matt | May 21, 2003 | Imported Entry
Said three times for emphasis even. Life is busy at this point. Lots of graduation preparations. Everyone’s family is coming in to town, plans need to be made for driving back, trying to finish up classes, etc. I’ve more or less decided that I’m finished with classes. Not that I’m actually finished, I’ve just decided it. For both Fashion and Personal Vision II I just have to narrow down my favorites from this semester and get them printed in their final versions. For History of Media I have a project left to do this weekend that Chip has been kind enough to collaborate on. We’ll be working on that Saturday so look for it Sunday (maybe). Other than that I’ve been trying to come up with plans for gainful employment. Keith actually offered to get in contact with people he knows in Boston for me and ask about web design jobs. At this point, so long as the job is creatively oriented, I’ll take just about anything so long as it’s worthwhile.
Day to day wise, not much going on. Just classes and the usual. Today I went into class for a mini-crit to narrow down my portfolio selection and then came home. Lauren came home around 6:00 and we went to the mall so she could find a dress for graduation. I have a funny story about retards in Learner NY to share at a later date.
Thats about it. Just trying to keep sain… no word on whether or not it’s working yet… or has ever worked. Blah.
by Matt | May 19, 2003 | Imported Entry
Hey kids, check out the toolbar I had a hand in making…

I didn’t do much, just a little editing to help out someone on DT2, but I got a nod in the readme. Check out the post here, download Y’z Toolbar here and the custom toolbar here. Enjoy.
by Matt | May 17, 2003 | Imported Entry
First off, we saw the Matrix this afternoon. Not bad, not fantastic either. Believe it or not, I think playing the video game is helping to fill in some of the “what the fuck?” kinds of questions. There were a few bothersome things in this flick which I will address tomorrow in a full on review. For the moment let’s just say that since I stuck around to see the Matrix:Revolution trailer at the end of the credits, I’m more excited about that movie then the movie I just saw. More later.
Anyway, after the movie we came home and I started putting Brittney’s computer together… again. If you’ll remember, a while ago I was putting it together for her but we ran into some extreme difficulty with the motherboard. Can I just say that I’m now completely impressed with Abit. Asus can kiss my ass, my next board will be an Abit. After our failed attempt with the A7N8X-Deluxe, we decided to give the Abit NF7-S a shot. Not only did it boot on the first try, but it was the easiest motherboard I’ve ever worked with. Everything was labeled on the board, I didn’t even have to look at the manual, but if I had needed to it was well over 100 pages. It documented everything. Every single jumper had a complete diagram and full page explanation of what it did or would/wouldn’t do if set in any combination of ways. It even has wonderful little features that don’t become apparent until you really take a look. For example, everyone has those little “eject clips” on their RAM slots, but how about one for your AGP slot? Cool hun. It also doubles as an anti-movement card saver in case you’re moving your rig all over the place (*cough* lan parties *cough*). The BIOS was also the most friendly, non-pain-in-my-ass system I’ve ever seen. It’s an over-clockers dream as well. Complete explanations for every setting and a “smart” CPU menu that helps out and recommends FSB and multiplier settings based on what your changing.
So, now that I’ve sung the praises of that motherboard, back to the install. At the moment, everything is back in and assembled. At this point, it boots to the XP loading screen, blue-screens and give an 0x07b STOP error. When you look it up in the MS knowledge base, this is what you get:
After you move the system (boot) disk to a backup computer, you may receive the following Stop error when you try to start the Windows-based backup computer:
STOP: 0x0000007B (0xF741B84C,0xC0000034,0x00000000,0x00000000)
Yup, that’s what I got…
This error can occur if the registry entries and drivers for the mass storage controller hardware in the backup computer are not installed in Windows.
For integrated device electronics (IDE) controllers, there are several different chip sets available, such as Intel, VIA, and Promise. Each chip set has a different Plug-n-Play identifier (PnP-ID).
The PnP-ID information of mass storage controllers for the backup computer must be in the registry before startup so that Windows can initialize the correct drivers”
Ok, that’s what I figured the problem was… so now what genius, how do I fix it?
To resolve this error, follow these steps for system recovery:
-Use identical hardware for the backup computer.
-Replace the problem hardware components in the backup computer with components of the same manufacturer, make, and model as the components in the computer that you are backing up.
-If the system disk is a SCSI disk, use the same make and model of SCSI controller in the new computer.
-If the system disk is an IDE disk, use the same kind of motherboard in the new computer, a motherboard that has the same kind of IDE chip set and the same PnP-ID as the motherboard in the computer that you are backing up.”
Ummm… what kind of advice is that? Sure, I just happen to have a spare computer with the exact same parts in it sitting right over here. If it’s IDE, use the same motherboard? What if I’m upgrading you numb-nuts? I didn’t figure that this advice was really intended for an upgrader. More likely it’s for someone trying to recover after a meltdown. At least it’s pointing me in a good direction. I figure I good solid reformat should do the trick. That’ll be on tomorrow’s agenda. After I find a boot-floppy that is. Oh well. At least it’s booting, which is more that it was doing last time.
And with that, I retire for the evening.
by Matt | May 14, 2003 | Imported Entry
Lets see, what to talk about… well, classes are going ok so I suppose that’s good. I had a reasonably good critique in Personal Vision on Monday and I’ll have a Fashion critique next Tuesday. I have one shoot semi-planned for this weekend and I hope to have another (possibly two) as well.
As always, I’m not quite settled on a new webpage design. I was so close to liking my new design then I come across pages that blow it away design wise and I get envious and go back and redesign mine again. It’s a never ending cycle.
The Matrix opens here tonight (although it’s not really supposed to). Technically it opens the 15th (tomorrow) so a 12:01am showing is completely legit but the theater here is showing it at 10pm. Something tells me they’re not supposed to do that. I would go except I’m in Savannah and going to an opening night movie here is retarded. Everyone that could possibly ruin a movie for someone else will be there tonight. “That guy” that’s talking on his cell phone, or “that girl” that won’t shut the hell up. I’m sure you know the type. Yeah, well, there’s an over-abundance of them here. Instead, we’re going to go to an early-afternoon matinée on Friday. I’m not sure how much better that will be but we’ll avoid everyone who’s at work and/or school that way.
Started really looking for work too. I’ve got a few places to look in New England and Lauren’s mom sent along a list of places near Houston. That should be a start. This is also the reason I want to spruce up the webpage as well. I’d like to make a good impression in that category and I don’t feel like the current page does that. Especially not with the way it’s split and more or less un-updated, with the exception of this page obviously.
News Item: Copy protection results in unplayable disk… umm, duh.
Lastly, this weeks desktop.
Icons: a mixture of Dirceu Veiga’s Comics and Everaldo’s Crystal.
Theme: Classix 10k Update
Wallpaper: ??? Can’t remember
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