
Well, that photo shoot didn’t really happen. Originally we had set a time of 6pm but I asked if we could move it back a little to 7 just to make sure everyone had enough time to prepare and get there. I got there at 6:30, set up lights and a table-top set-up and waited. At 7:45 I was fed up and packed my things to leave. The girl who was supposed to be there at 7:00 walked in a little before 8:00. I had told my friends who were in the studio to say that I had gone home angry if anyone asked. She asked where I was and Matt Ferral said I had gone home really pissed off (which I was). I stepped forward and added that it was very unprofessional, turned my back to them, grabbed my things and left. They shut the door behind them and left on their own.

I simply don’t understand people. I was treating this professionally and I expected others to do the same. I was there when I needed to be. I was ready to go. They walk in an hour late like everything is fine. I had shit to do. I had photos I needed to be taking on my own. I was doing this out of the kindness of my heart. I wasn’t getting paid, I didn’t even know this girl. All I was trying to do was help out Sean, my friend.

I apologize to him if he’s reading this, I know this complicates your graphic design work and I’m sorry. But seriously, if I was a paid, professional photographer and she had hired me to do this job I would have walked away. I would have said “find yourself another photographer because my time isn’t free.” I know that sounds harsh but it’s the real world. If she was going for a job interview or was meeting with a client of her own and she was an hour late, she would have just lost that client.

15 minutes I could understand, that would have been fine. Half an hour and I would have been a little angry but would have dealt with it. But letting me sit there for an hour, without even calling my cell phone is pretty damn rude. I think she had the number and if she didn’t she certainly had my home phone number and my roommate was here all night, he would have given it to her. Still, to this very minute, it’s 11:00pm and still nothing from her. Not “I’m sorry, my car broke down” or “I’m sorry, I couldn’t leave work.” Nothing.

I know it’s mean, but it’s finals and I’ve got lots of stuff on my mind and not a lot of time left. Find yourself another photographer, cause this one doesn’t put up with that shit.

Wedding Shower & Photo Shoot

Last night was our first official wedding shower. Actually, Lauren had a lingerie shower last week but this was “our” first shower. Sula and Wayne, a very nice couple from church, put it on for us. It was actually a double-header and it was for Josh and Liisa as well (yes, thats the correct spelling of her name). It was a “tool and gadget” themed shower and we were given some wonderful gifts by our friends. A big thanks to everyone that came. I think Lauren is going to have an additional shower once she’s back in TX as well as her bachelorette party later in the summer. I get to look forward to my own bachelor party toward the end of the summer as well. There were all sorts of delicious snacks and some good friends so it was a pretty fun time. We even got a “hand truck”, also know as a dolly, for help with moving which I thought was a rather ingenious and back-pain-saving gift.

Today Lauren is working on a project on CAD and I have a shoot scheduled for 7pm. Sean’s friend, a jewelery major, has some pieces that she made that she’d like to have pictures of. I’m not getting paid but I am going to use them in my own portfolio if they turn out well. That should be interesting.

In the meantime I’m taking some pictures for personal vision since I have a critique on Monday. I’ve been really slacking in that class, not giving it my full 110%. Actually, at this point, its probably somewhere around 75%, so that’s not good. It’s not that I don’t want to do work, I’m just tired of school in general and I don’t really want to force creative ideas out of my head at the moment. Call it spring fever or senior-itis if you will, or call it the hockey playoffs, whichever works best for you.

That’s about it. Later.

Quick update

Webpage update:

Reduced number of entries on page and banned 6 (!) IP addresses that were spamming my comments. Damn I hate that crap.

Website and Weekend

The website is nearing completion, at least in terms of design. I still need to turn it into a web page obviously but the design is always the hardest part.

I’ve also got an interesting bit of work to do this weekend. Or, more exactly, a full schedule. Friday morning I’d like to take some pictures, probably of myself. Friday night Lauren and I are going to a dance. Saturday is our wedding shower. Sunday we’re going to a church service all about marriage and then out to the beach. Sunday evening, mistakenly, I agreed to take some jewelry photography for Sean and one of his friends. I’m not sure that I’ll be back from the beach on time. I’d like to use Sunday to relax with Lauren a little but I’m concerned that Bergen Hall closes early on Sunday so pushing back my photo shoot might not be an option. I’m waiting for Sean or his friend to email or call to make sure we’re on for Sunday. I hope we can work out a better time because I’d really like to do both.

That’s about it. I’m watching Seinfeld and considering eating the Butter Pecan Ben & Jerry’s I have in the fridge. I’ve got a headache too, in case you cared.

PS: For you’re random link to enraging story of the moment… enjoy. This has “bad fucking idea” written all over it. Unless of course I’m allowed to purchase a huge RFID interference device and carry it with me wherever I go. Remember those scenes in Minority Report when he goes to the mall and the ads talk to him… yeah, that’s bullshit. In a different article I read that one of the potential uses for this would be “smart” ads which would show you advertisements (on your shopping cart) of potential items you might also like given what you already have in your cart. “Since you have chips, want to try our salsa?” sort of thing. Fuck that. The day I see a plasma screen on a shopping cart is the day I bring a baseball bat to the grocery store with me. I refuse to be advertised to while I’m walking around a store. That’s ridiculous. Hell, I think billboards and tv commercials are ridiculous, but that’s a completely different rant. What do you guys think? I can’t be alone in thinking that RFIDs are a really bad idea can I?

Other links: RFIDs, the big picture.


Two links that I need to share, especially with Chris.

Sensation – “The worlds biggest dance event”. I’m not sure if that’s nessisarily true, but they’ve got one heck of a line up. I found this after finding a copy of the 2002 Sensation CDs and wondering what exactly “sensation” was. I have to say that they are absolutely fantastic. I’m trying to find a place to order copies of them but haven’t had any luck. Which leads me to my next link…

Discogs – “building the definitive database of electronic music…”. Now, if that’s not cool, I don’t know what is. Discographies of just about every label, artists, group, etc, and they’re all cross-referenced. Check out the search results for “Sensation: White Edition“. Great CD. Look at those tracks!

Ok, had to get that techno out of my system. I’ll be off having dinner in a little bit. Tasty ribs, here I come.


I started working on a little redesign last night. It actually looks pretty good. It’s really simple, just as simple as the design now, if not more so. I wanted to get away from the navigation at the top but it looks like that’ll hang around for at least another version. I think I might just change the number of posts that are displayed here from 10 to 3 or 4. I’m trying to minimize the amount of “scroll” the page has.

I actually had multiple designs for the page, ranging from “journal style” with a paper textured background and a setup similar to this, to a really techie feeling page with an over abundance of eye-candy. I settled on something more “matt” feeling. Clean and more or less simple with some interesting bits here and there.

I would normal at this point in the post direct you to a number of anti-RIAA related articles but I fear that it’s been over done. I merely suggest that you read the Reg on a regular basis. That should keep you relatively informed about what’s going on.

On a lighter note, I’m skipping class today. I had a really bad headache when I woke up and that’s never the way to start a day… so I stayed in bed. It was the only sensible thing to do. 🙂

So, not going to class today leaves me time to work on the redesign some more, figure out what I want to take pictures of tonight, tomorrow and the rest of the week as well as take Lauren out to dinner tonight.

Over the past few weeks, while I’ve had no money, Lauren was kind enough to float the bill for most of our weekend activities. I normal don’t like to let her do that, something in my brain about being “the man” and that I’m supposed to pay for things, or some crap like that. Regardless, now I get to pay back her kindness with a trip to one of her most favorite restaurants, Tony Roma’s. We both really love Tony’s, they have some of the best ribs on the planet. So, that’s where I’ll be tonight.

Oh, and just for the sake of complete randomness, I made a font. Yes, a font. Of my own handwriting even. Go figure. I’m not going to post it now but I will add it to the new version of the “downloads” page once I finish it. If you really want it so bad that you can’t wait for it let me know and I’ll drop you an email.

Prepare yourself for a new design.

That is all… for now.