by Matt | Oct 31, 2004 | Imported Entry
The number one rule that people seem to forget these days is to take responsibility for your actions. For example, the COMPLETE FUCK HOLE THAT HIT MY CAR LAST NIGHT!
Going to breakfast this morning we discovered this little mishap. It seems some asshat hit my hatch-back, probably with considerable force, and dented the hell out of it. I’d say a good 2ft square section of tailgate is mashed in, just to the right of the left tail light. Of course there’s no note or anything on my car. Nothing. Just a smashed in rear. What else is kinda odd is that there a) isn’t ANY paint missing, no “scrapping” of any kinda and b) that my bumper is 100% fine, not even a scratch. That says to me that it was both a tall car with a high bumper as well as a plastic or rubber bumper. There’s a large F150 parked next to me at the moment, but it’s an older, later 80’s model with massive steal bumpers. If that kind of thing hit me there would be missing paint everywhere. Another weird thing is the angle, it’s almost at a 60* to my car.

If someone “missed” a parking space it would have taken out my tail light, not hit me in the middle of the hatch-back.
Anyway, I called my insurance company and they’ll be sending me to an auto-body place to get it looked at tomorrow. The damage isn’t even that big of deal, I just wish someone would have left a note. I would have. That’s such a shitty thing to do.
by Matt | Oct 27, 2004 | Imported Entry
Angry Matt was on a long extended vacation… until today. I had a long day at work that more or less involved me fighting off swarms of angry fleas. Yes, fleas. Our studio is invested. The pest control guy has come out twice and each time he’s sprayed they’ve only gotten worse. So, I’m itchy, which makes me angry. You wouldn’t like me when I’m itchy. Then, to make matters worse, we have to take a bridal portrait outside, where the fleas live. You can imagine my joy. Add to this the fact that I came in at 9am, 2 HOURS sooner than our first appointment and far earlier than I was supposed to, after being told I needed to be there that early because we had a 9am appointment. I’ve also had NO coffee at this point. The day isn’t going well.
So, I leave work around 5:30, head towards the highway and prepare to fight rush hour traffic to get home. It’s at this point that a black Lexas 330-something cuts me off. Fine, I’m used to this, people in that neighborhood are more or less “gangsta” and really drive like fuck-wits. So I let it go. A few stop lights later, the black Lexas has gotten into a different lane and is now beside me. As that light turns green and I turn left to go onto the highway, the black Lexas shoots out, cuts me off and gets in front of me. As I feel myself getting angrier I think “it’s ok, maybe he doesn’t know where he’s going”. That thought is quickly forgotten. Being now at the top of the on ramp, he’s AGAIN gotten into the lane beside me. I got to the stop sign first, so, after cross-traffic passes, I go. Oh, but the Lexas has other ideas. Coming AGAIN from the lane beside me, he guns his car past mine ON THE SHOULDER of the on-ramp. I lay on the horn because, since it’s a one lane on-ramp, there’s really no room for the two of us. Then this fuck-wad has the nerve to slam on his breaks and German-Break me. I flew off the handle. I couldn’t take it anymore. Once, fine. Twice, ok. Cut me off THREE times and you’re going to die.
It was at this point I looked over and caught sight of this asshole. It wasn’t the mean, gun-packing gangsta’ I figured it would be. No, instead it was a 40-ish, white collared, suburbanite, white bread fuck face on his cell phone.
I considered, all be it only for a second, plowing my car into his and pushing him off the road. That thought actually crossed my mind. So did following him to wherever he was going and beating the ever living shit out of him.
But I didn’t.
I did what any other good New England trained driver would. I got along beside him, rolled down my window and yelled at him. I can’t really remember what I said but I think some of it involved taking his life with my shoe. Or at least cramming it into the deep recesses of his rectum.
It took me a few minutes to calm down after that. Thankfully it was rush hour so I had plenty of time to sit and stew in traffic.
Not that big, think they’re tough gangster types get some sort of free pass to be assholes, but it’s more expected from them. I don’t really expect that sort of driving from a pompous middle aged cracker. Wait, yeah I kinda do.
You know what, fuck’em. Fuck’em all. All you Lexas, Audi, Jaguar driving mother-fuckers deserve to die. Sometimes I really wish I was in charge of things, because then, these scum would be hunted down and thumped with an iron fist of common decency. Just because you drive what you think is a nice car doesn’t give you open range to be a raging asshole on the road. So, now it’s official. I’ve declared war on these people. These butt-logs with legs.
by Matt | Oct 21, 2004 | Imported Entry

by Matt | Oct 15, 2004 | Imported Entry
Stumbled across these this morning. Gotta love anyone who hates Starbucks and the Attkins diet more than me.
Coffee House Propaganda
Fatkins Diet
by Matt | Oct 12, 2004 | Imported Entry
I’ve been thinking a lot about Half Life 2 and the Steam delivery system lately. If you haven’t read by now, HL2 is available for order through Valves online delivery system: Steam. Not that you can play it yet, but you can order it. Also, Valve has decided to bundle multiple things under each Steam purchase to entice people to order it through them as apposed to traditional retailers. The upside is that you get more stuff and you get to play Counter Strike: Source now, this second, instead of waiting for the retail box to become available. The downside is that you don’t get it on a CD and, well, you have to download about 4Gs worth of game before you can play it. The retail box does come with CS:Source and the collectors edition comes with a few other things as well, but you’ll have to wait for it to ship. Buying through Steam assures that you can play Counter-Strike instantly as soon as you download it.
Now, there’s quite a large segment of the gaming population that is still, after 5+ years, addicted to Counter-Strike. Given the opportunity to play whats basically CS2 they’ll of course jump on it. I’m sure they’re playing right this second. I on the other hand, have an interesting decision to make. I could care less about CS. It’s a dated game with a dated concept and limited replay and it’s only been made “new” by a face lift and a few level tweaks. Not what I’d consider “revolutionary” by any means. HL2 on the other hand, is what I’m really after. I was saddened to learn that there will be no HL2 multiplayer and that CS was the multiplayer. That was a let down. I can remember plenty of LAN games of HL with my buds. Sure CS was fun, but if you ever got tired of it, you could just open up a can of Snarks and everything would be fun again.
So, what’s a boy to do? Order HL2 through steam or buy it in a box? Play CS now or later? Have a CD or just a download and an authorization key?
I’m opting for a box. I get the CD, which means reinstalls will take minutes instead of hours, and, since I don’t care about CS, I don’t really mind waiting. I don’t know about you guys, but for me, this falls under the “having something to open on Christmas morning” syndrome.
Moving on, let’s talk about the Red Sox. Holy crap is this going to be good. I’m as excited as I’ve ever been. Mostly because this year I’ve been paying attention and I have a full understanding of how deep the Sox bullpen is and how much the Yanks can’t hit off Shilling. You go up two games IN the Bronx, then bring it back home, it’s series time baby. I’m excited.
Locally, the Houston fans are going nuts too. They’re going to have quite a time getting past the Cards but they’re willing to give it a try. Everyone around here is hoping for a Houston-Boston World Series. I have to say I agree. As my dad always says…
I cheer for two teams. The Boston Red Sox, and anyone who isn’t the Yankess.
by Matt | Sep 28, 2004 | Imported Entry
Alrighty gang, I’m almost in New Hampshire. Almost. We fly into Manchester Thursday night around 10pm. That would be THIS Thursday. Just to clarify.
The 30th!
Ok, just making sure you got that.
Not that much going on around here. Lauren is packing things for her parents yard sale this weekend and I’m, well, I’m typing. That and continually modding out my desktop. Check out the new one HERE.
Has anyone tired the new “Pitch Black” Mountain Dew. Don’t bother. If you want grape soda, go find grape soda. Mt.Dew’s half assed attempt is almost laughable. It isn’t even as good AS grape soda. It’s sub-grape. It’s Sams Club quality grape. Need I say more.
Also, has anyone tried either XFire or Pandion? Two different IM apps, two different purposes.
XFire is a game based IM client that basically rolls All Seeing Eye and AIM together. You can both chat with your friends as well as see what game they’re playing, what server they’re playing on and even JOIN the game with a single mouse click. The ability to use it within the game is also a huge plus. No more Alt-Tab’ing to answer an IM and then go back to your game. XFire lets you see the text IN-GAME and respond by using hot-keys to bring up a chat box. Kinda slick.
Pandion is an IM client built for XMPP and Jabber networks. It’s an open-source, cross-platform kinda deal. It does tie into AIM/MSN/YM, etc, but I’ve yet to figure out how. The documentation kinda sucks. It also has the downside of being the most obscure network I’ve ever found. I don’t know a single person using a Jabber network, do you? I’d love to give it a try, but who would I talk to?
Just wondering if anyone’s tried either of those.
Oh, and just for Nagle, cause he asked, here are some more funky t-shirt links… – Geekish and gaming t-shirts mostly. A few universal ones too, like this.
NeighborHoodies – custom silkscreened hoodies, t-shirts, etc.
American Apparel – trendy “blank” tshirts. No, I don’t get it either.
T-Shirts That Suck – interesting to say the least.
Thread Pit – basically Hot Topic only online, and not Hot Topic…. stupid freak store.
ThinkGeek – If you don’t know this one by now, you probably don’t know me very well… – definatly a major source for “designer” tshirts. Tons and TONS of different ones. All trendy, all expensive.
Lastly, if you guys want me to bring anything music or game wise, let me know now. I’m planning on bringing Battlefield for Chip at the very least. It’s my firm opinion that everyone needs to have similar addictions to myself. Game wise of course. I wouldn’t want to force my caffine addiction onto anyone else. It’s not pretty.
Ok. I’m out.
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