by Matt | Aug 20, 2005 | Music
Remember when we used to play Tony Hawk 1 for hours. Remember the soundtrack didn’t suck and we didn’t mind hearing “Superman” for the 50th time. Well, looks like Activision finally got my letters. No more rap/pop crap. Thank God. Check out the tracklist for the up coming Tony Hawk Wasteland…
•Taking Back Sunday – The Descendents’ “Suburban Home”/”I Like Food”
•Senses Fail – Suicidal Tendencies’ “Institutionalized”
•Alkaline Trio – TSOL’s “Wash Away”/”Beneath the Shadows”
•Emanuel – The Stooges’ “Search and Destroy”
•Fall Out Boy – The Gorilla Biscuits’ “Start Today”
•Thursday – The Buzzcocks’ “Ever Fallen in Love?”
•From Autumn to Ashes – Fear’s “Let’s Have a War”
•Hot Snakes – Government Issue’s “Time to Escape”
•Thrice – Minor Threat’s “Seeing Red”/”Screaming at a Wall”
•Saves the Day – The Dead Boys’ “Sonic Reducer”
•My Chemical Romance – The Misfits’ “Astro Zombies”
•Rise Against – Black Flag’s “Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie”/”Fix Me”
•Dropkick Murphys – The Adolescents’ “Who Is Who”
•The Bled – Bad Brains’ “House of Suffering”
No Bad Religion either. Fuck you Pete. Ha!
by Matt | Jul 29, 2005 | Music
This months slogan goes out to my brother-in-law Chris.
“John Meyer too extreme? Jack Johnson to edgy? Try Jason Mraz, the embodiement of male impotence.”
by Matt | Jul 9, 2005 | Music
Can’t believe I missed the Warped Tour. I came through town two weeks ago and I had no idea. Actually, I was in Laredo at the time, so it wouldn’t have mattered anyway, but it would have been a good show.
North Stage:
Fall Out Boy
My Chemical Romance
The Offspring
Strung Out
Dropkick Murphys
No Use For A Name
Nuts. Maybe next year.
by Matt | Apr 21, 2005 | Music
I’ve been on a Less Than Jake kick lately. I’ve gotten my hands on nearly half of the singles, 7″s and rare releases. I’ve still got quite a few to go according to the official discography list, but I think this is a good start:
* 50th Release Birthday Cake 7″
* Against All Authority/LTJ split 7″
* Automatic Promo CD
* B Is For B-Sides CD
* Birthday Cake 7″
* Birthday Cake 7″ (Moldy)
* Bootleg a Bootleg CD
* Cheese 7″
* Crash Course in Being an Asshole 7″
* Gainesville Rock City 7″
* G-Man Training Target 7″
* Greased CD
* Greased LP
* Live From Chicago 7″
* Live From Cincinnati (Live at Bogarts)
* Live From St Louis
* Live From Uranus 7″
* Losing Streak b/w Mixology of Tom Collins 5″
* Muppets 7″
* Pesto 7″
* Pez Kings 7″
* Rock-n-Roll Pizzeria 7″
* Slayer 7″
* Smoke Spot 7″
* Son of Pezcore CD
* Spoken Idiocy CD
* Unglued 7″
Also, has anyone heard about the Xbox 360 coming in different versions? I know it was a rumor, but I didn’t know it was stated as fact at this point. Xbox 360 (or Xbox 2 if you’re catching up) will come in a regular and a $100 extra special edition. The catch is that the special edition will come with a harddrive, be able to play original Xbox games and be backwards compatable. The other system will not. How pathetic is that. They know most people who are going to run out and get this thing the first day/week/month are probably hard core and have a lot of Xbox games already. How pethetic is it that they’re going to gouge their own loyal fan base for an extra $100. And before anyone says anything, I know that the official line from the company is that it’s to cover the cost of the materials from Nvidia to make backwards compatability possible. Thats a load of crap. The technology, just like the PS vs PS2, isn’t THAT advanced. My bet is the technology they’re using can render a Xbox game just fine. Now, I know they moved to a new architecture and chip maker, but that still doesn’t change the way games are made or the DVDs they’re using. So, I know it’s not a problem with the game itself or the DVD drive… so… it’s the graphics card in the console? The new graphics card can’t handle old games? Even if, worst case scenerio, they changed from a Nvidia chip to the complete opposite Ati chip, it’s still just a small issue of drivers to run the hardware. You can’t tell me that the games are THAT integrated that the software simply won’t work. They would have had to make the equivelant of a PC to Mac switch in order to make things that completely uncompatable. So, do I think it’s uncompatable? Probably. Do I think it would have been an easy thing to fix early on? Hell Yes. Should it be part of the new console at any price point? Most Definatly. Just like this Xbox I have now (thanks to Chris), I’m going to wait a considerable amount of time (and a few price drops) before getting a new one.
by Matt | Apr 4, 2005 | Movies, Music, Personal, Work
What a weekend. It was kinda all over the place. Saturday I worked the 100th Aniversary party for American Nation Insurance or something like that. It was a crazy party with probably well over 1000 people. We were hired to photograph couples as they came in as a gift to them from the company. After that we were to photography the party, dinner and the presentation afterwards. The party was so big that we called in 2 extra photographers. I’m not sure how much they helped but it was nice to have someone to help carry stuff. Things went pretty well for the most part. My camera suffered a massive error and died about halfway through dinner, but hey, that’s what backup cameras are for, and we had 2 of’em. It was actually a pretty sweet rig, Canon 20D with booster pack, 17-35 L-Series (pro) lens, Quantum QFlash and Turbo battery kit all stuffed onto a custom bracket. I think it’ll be my main wedding rig once I figure out whats wrong with the camera. It might just need a firmware flash or maybe a good nights sleep.
Speaking of which, I didn’t get home until 2am from that shindig, which, with the time change became 3am. I slept in until about noon on Sunday. I haven’t been feeling well, I’ve got some sort of sinus/throat thing and it’s been real bugging me. I’ve been doing my usual Nyquil and OJ and it seems to be keeping the full-on cold at bay.
Sunday was pretty cool. While I was asleep, Lauren’s cell phone rang and it was Dan (from SCAD). He had a 4 hour layover in Houston before his fight back to San Diego. We figured since he was in the neighborhood we’d pay him a visit and grab some dinner with him and catch up. It was good to see Dan and he seemed to be doing well aside from stomach trouble from his excessive drinking the night before. He wanted to get something “Texas-ish” to eat so we took him for some mexican at Papasitos. After that we still had some time to kill so we stopped in at Frys before we brought him back.
Frys is quite possibly my favorite store on the planet now. It’s super Walmart sized and its full from floor to ceiling with everything electronic and computer related. It’s the only store I know of where you can go in and browse the “motherboard section” and physically handle the display board before you buy it. Not to mention the fact that isles to follow have every other component you can image. You can quite literaly walk into Frys and walk out with all the pieces to build a new computer at below retail, almost NewEgg prices. Add DVDs, CDs, Software and Home Electronics sections and you’ve got one sweet store.
And speaking of CDs, I went over to their techno section (yes, they actually have a techno/dance section) to look for the new Danny Howels Global Underground (after Chris reminded me which one it was) and ended up coming home with the greatest mix CD set ever made instead.

Renaissance: The Mix Collection by Sasha and John Digweed
3 CDs of pure genious. The quotes on the box sum it out pretty well…
“The re-release of this remastered 10th anniversay edition couldn’t have come at a better time” … “For many it was the first mix album they ever bought and for us it remains the best” … “Perhaps the greatest mix CD of all time”
Yeah. This is actually a re-release of the Uber rare original, which if I’m not mistaken, is going for hundreds on Ebay. It’s old school audio bliss. It makes me remember why I like techno in the first place.
Anyway, after we dropped Dan off we headed south back towards home when we decided to go see SinCity. A few phone calls later and Robin and Laurie are coming with us. We catch the 8pm at Cinemark.
SinCity is one of those movies I’ll have to sit and think about for a while. It wasn’t bad, it was ok, and there’s nothing that I can pick out instantly as something I didn’t like, I just can’t help feeling that it was only mediocre though. Not for any particular reason, it just didn’t thrill me as much as I thought it would. Like I said, it’s not “bad” so don’t think that I didn’t like it, it just needs some time to digest I think. The direction and cinematography were very well done. The visuals were perfect and consistant and the mood was as close to a Frank Miller comic book as you can possibly get. I think there was a thin layer of “cheese” on top of the whole thing and that most of the actors were dry and that every line felt like a one-liner instead of dialog. This could also be because 99% of the lines were taken directly from the books, not to mention about 90% of the shots through out the movie. They did a great job of trying to recreate EVERYTHING from the comics but in the end it just feels a little forced. There’s a quote from a reviewer that reads: “Accuracy isn’t the same thing as quality.” and I think I agree with that. Out of 10, from me it gets something like a 8.5. Apparently, the tomato agrees – RT 78%.
Today is my day off so I’m spending the whole of it enjoying my new CDs, trying to get rid of the spyware I just found (stupid f’ing ecards from my mom) and playing some more Brothers In Arms. I considered briefly getting a new Xbox game, but there’s nothing out right now that I feel like spending $50 on. DOA Ultimate is a thought, but I’d rather wait until it’s in the “Hits” package and $20 cheaper.
Lastly, my “Recent Links” plugin is completely borked. I’m trying to fix it but keep getting parse errors. I’ve sent an email off to the author, we’ll see what he says. That should be back up (or gone) in a day or two.
Matt out.
by Matt | Mar 14, 2005 | Music
Random 10 – Use your favorite media player, select your entire music collection (if possible), randomize or shuffle the list and then tell us which are the first 10 random songs it picks out. Music, even random music, tells a lot about a person.
1. Syntax – Bliss (Felix Da Housecat Dub)
2. Dropkick Murphys – In the Streets of Boston (live)
3. Underworld – Rez/Cowgirl
4. Green Day – St Jimmy
5. MXPX – Middlename (live)
6. Miles Davis – Boplicity
7. Elvis Presley – I really don’t want to know
8. Reel Big Fish – Ban the Tube Top
9. Alkaline Trio – You’re Dead
10. Frank Sinatra – All of me
What is the total amount of music files on your computer?
38.7G. It was close to 50 but I had to make some room.
The last CD you bought was:
Nat King Cole – The World Of Nat King Cole
Write down five songs you listen to a lot or mean a lot to you:
1. Dropkick Murphys – Amazing Grace
2. Stevie Ray Vaughn – Texas Flodd
3. Less Than Jake – Johnny Quest Thinks We’re Sell Outs
4. Paul Van Dyk – We Are Alive
5. Frank Sinatra – They Can’t Take That Away From Me
Matt out.
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