A funny thing happened on the way to the Blogosphere

So, I got this email…

Please send me your name and mailing address so I can send the box you won via Beckett.com. Thanks for your time,

Chris Olds

Editor — Beckett Baseball magazine

That never happens. Never. I’ve never won so much as my money back on a scratch off ticket. I might just have to do a video break for this one, lol. I’ll let you know when the box arrives 🙂

You load 16-tons…

I was going to post some random cards but I simply don’t have the energy. I got new cards. Surprise!

I’ve been so busy at work I can hardly stay awake. My company recently won multiple new, huge, government contracts and that’s awesome for us as a whole, for our bottom line, and for my year-end bonus/contribution to my 401(k), but the downside is that it all involves huge amount of time and energy to get up and running. Contracts need websites to take in resumes from incumbent employees. Benefits packages need to be produced. Posters need to be made. All these means huge amounts of work for my group in particular. 60-70hr weeks. On top of that, our already existing products and services felt it was a great time to update their web properties as well. Or, I guess I should rephrase that, they felt it was time for ME to update their web sites. So, I’ve got so many projects floating around at 95% completion I just don’t know where to start, or more accurately, finish.

There’s all sorts of other huge projects sitting just over the horizon too. Another major site redesign, a complete overhaul of a document management system, possible travel to ALASKA to work on things I’m going to need to get clearance for. Ok, that last one is kinda cool. Anyway, the point is that this summer is going to be crazy busy. To a stupid degree.

I’m also working hard on some projects of my own. A card/game site, some new work for my portfolio I’ve been meaning to put up, all sorts of things.

On a personal note, I’m not really sure what do to with my brother any more. He’s a great guy, and I don’t want to throw him out on his butt, however it might just be coming to that. He’s lived with us for nearly 7 months now, trying to get “back on his feet” by going to school. He’s borrowing money, borrowing a car, has no job and nothing lined up for the summer. Personally I think a good kick in the butt is exactly what he needs, but it’s hard to be mean to family. I’ve got to have a talk with him about “transitioning” into another place to live.

We’re also done fixing up the wife’s car. Something about a piston rod not firing in sync, clogged fuel injector and an A/C thermostat problem. Luckily most of it was under warranty so we just paid a couple hundred bucks. This just moves up the time table of getting rid of it. We had been thinking for quite a while about trading it in. It’s not a bad vehicle by any stretch, but it’s a sub-SUV, it gets about 15mpg on a good day, and now we have a kid… and it has a tan interior. You do the math. I’m thinking a small commuter car, like a Mazda 3. She doesn’t want to give up the size/class of car she has, so we’re looking at the Mazda CX5 instead. We’ve actually had an offer of $15-18k for her car, and I think we might just take it. We have $8k left to pay off, so $18k would cover that and give us plenty as a down payment on the next one. I’d love an upgrade myself, it was my turn for a new car, but having it paid off completely is worth more in the long run since my commute is so short.

Anyway, I’ve rambled too much. I have been staying up on my cards, especially Gypsy Queens. I just don’t have the energy to fire up the scanner. I’ve got stuff from breaks to scan, a couple trades coming in, a couple going out (Arizona, yours is on it’s way), and of course of cheapy pick ups from over the weekend. Maybe tomorrow, cause tonight, it’s all about the hockey. Game 7, go Bruins!

Base Card Bonanza

So, Wes (aka: JayBarkerFan) was looking to sell off some old duplicates and base cards he had since he was planning a move in the near future. For a couple bucks and some postage I figured I couldn’t go wrong. I hadn’t traded with Wes before, but I heard nothing but good things and so we exchanged a couple emails. A week later, boom! Mega box on my doorstep.

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Still Alive

If you feel like humming the Portal theme song right about now, be my guest, because I am indeed still alive. That was, without a doubt, the craziest weekend I’ve ever slept through. To recap, I came down with the flu two weeks ago (the 15th), spent all last weekend and most of last week sick and in bed. Thursday (22nd) I started to feel better and came into work. By Friday I was 200% worse than I had been. Severe chills, really bad cough. I thought it was just a relapse and was going to fight through it. Friday morning I started towards work, was coughing and sweating so bad that I decided to pull into an Emergency Clinic along the way. It was a good thing I did. They did a chest xray and some sinus swab test and I had pneumonia. They gave me two huge steroid injections, an antibiotic injection, a breathing treatment and a whole pile of prescriptions to go pick up. The last thing the clinic doctor told me was “it’s good that you came in, if it had gotten any worse you probably would have been checking into a hospital tonight.”

So, armed with all sorts of stuff, I went back home, took my insane super-cough medicine, and slept… until Sunday. My wife says she woke me up a couple times to take my antibiotics, but honestly, I don’t remember that at all. I’m still pretty out of it, but I’ve improved considerably. My cough is only a tickle and the rest of the flu symptoms seem to be going away. I’m on the antibiotics for at least another week to make sure it doesn’t come back, and I’ve got at least half a bottle of whatever crazy juice it was that knocked me out, so that’s good. I’m still pretty out of breath, but they said that would take a week or so to start feeling normal again. All the coughing and the fluid shrinks your lungs apparently.

So, yeah. I’ve got dozens of things to catch up on, so forgive me as I work through the backlog of posts.

Thank you all for the kind comments and emails, they’re really appreciated.


Being the traitorous bastard that my body apparently is, its decided that my lungs had a distinct lack of fluid in them. The result of which is that my flu, which was close to going away, just kicked into high gear and I have full blown pneumonia.

Fear not, I caught it right at the beginning and I’ve got a whole pile of medications and perscriptions for kicking its butt. I might be out of commission for a while, but I shall return.

Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right?

Quick Update

I’ve got a metric ton of things to catch up on, especially at work, but I wanted to mention a couple things quickly.

First, I got quite a few things in the mail over the last week, including a completely epic package from Adam over at Thoughts and Sox, the results of my very first Sox for Sox trade. I haven’t gotten back to my scanner yet, but I wanted to preemptively thank Adam for the stuff he sent. It was incredibly generous and really helped me start to back-fill some of my missing early 2000’s stuff.

Second, this week I sent out an email to the members of my fantasy baseball league asking about participation this year. I have 3 yes votes (including myself), 2 no, and 3 non-responding. That means I have at least a couple of openings. It’s a very laid back league, 8 teams, close to default ESPN head-to-head scoring, no buy-in or cost. Just for fun. If you’re looking for a league, drop me a line. We haven’t drafted yet but we’re looking to do that shortly.