by Matt | Aug 8, 2008 | Personal
The best part about being in charge of a whole slew of photo gear is that, should the mood strike me, I get to use said photo gear. It’s Friday, 5pm, and that means that the camera is coming home for the weekend. I’ve just got to try out that 10-22mm wide angle. Can anyone say “Skate Park”?
by Matt | Jul 31, 2008 | Personal, Tech, Work
It’s the middle of the summer and somehow in my tiny little air conditioned office, it’s friggin Christmas! I just got my order of photo equipment from B&H that I added into my departments budget on my arival. Two new lenses, the extender/battery grip for the camera, a portable flash unti, a bunch of smaller things like cables and batteries and adapters. I’m excited! And this is just the first batch. The rest, including an entire studio setup (lights, stands, etc) will be here in about a week. Huzah!
by Matt | Jul 31, 2008 | Personal
I write this at 12:15pm (1:15 eastern) on Thursday, just under 3 hours to go under the MLB trade deadline. I’m writing this because I’m deeply confused as to the media attention of a potential Manny Ramirez trade from the RedSox. Quite simply, I don’t think it’s going to happen.
Updates after the jump
by Matt | Jul 28, 2008 | Personal
First an update of sorts. We are moving into the house. I’m very excited about it. I think it’ll really be awesome for us. There’s a long road of repairs and cleaning to do before we move in (at the end of Sept) but I think we can get it all done in time.
So, to that end, this weekend was mostly moving and cleaning. We moved the grandparents to a nice “cottage” style place a couple weekends back and now all of their furniture from their apartment had to come back to the house. So, we moved all morning on Saturday and filled the one room that we’re not redoing top to bottom with furniture. Then Sunday we spent most of the day cleaning the kitchen and utility room which was a huge undertaking. So, now we have 1 room out of 9 clean and habitable again. The house had sat vacant for nearly 6 months, one of those months with the power turned off, so you can only imagine what the un-emptied freezer and refrigerator looked like. Needless to say we’ll be replacing those two appliances pretty quickly.
Next we’ll be pulling up the carpet throughout the house (hence the piling of furniture in a single room) and putting down new carpet and new tile. Then we’ll start the cleaning/packing process for the next month or so. Everything has a history and is important to the family, so everything needs the utmost care and attention, but we also need to make room for all our things as well as our furniture. So, family members will take what they want and we’ll probably end up storing the rest in the attic or putting it out for a yard sale at some point. Then everything that’s left will get a good coat of paint, a scrub down or both. Then we move in! Huzzah!
There’s already an office/study that Lauren and I can share for our computers and work area, and two guest bedrooms on top of that, so I can have the ever popular “man space” complete with comfy leather chair, TV, xbox and mini-fridge. I’m looking forward to that. I’m also, rather surprisingly (to myself) looking forward to having a garage. I’ve never had one before. None of the houses my parents owned had one, I haven’t rented one at any of the apartments down here, and now all of a sudden I get this huge garage which is nearly a 3-car size, for both cars plus a whole “work bench” area full of tools and whatnot. The manly “I need to fix things” instinct has taken over.
So, that’s whats going on with us. We’re in full on, 100% cleaning house mode. We’ve got a long road ahead but I think the pay off will be huge. I’ll post some pictures when I have a second to take them.
Matt out.
by Matt | Jul 1, 2008 | Personal
It’s Monday, and I’m back to the grind. But that isn’t going to stop me from reveling in what was a truly epic weekend. For starters, mid-day on Friday I got the call from my old boss that he had two tickets to the Red Sox game against the Houston Astros. Not only were they impossible to get tickets, they were club level, as in IN the club. This was the first time that the Sox had ever been to Houston so you bet your ass that I was going. I grabbed my buddy Dane, got the tickets and headed to the stadium early. We got there early enough to catch batting practice and have a couple crappy hotdogs and a beer before the game started. The seats were out of this world. First base side, looking right at the base, row 4, club box.
It was a fantastic game. Sox won. Dice K and Paps pitched with some help from Manny Del Carmen in the middle. JD Drew parked one in deep right. Good solid game. Of course, I brought the camera.

More photos in the Photo Gallery.
I also had a great day on Saturday being all manly with the guys from church. We had rented a jack-hammer to break up an old patio Brady had in his backyard so we all took turns running the jack while everyone else watched. It was actually kind of fun. Saturday night we had some awesome fajitas with Matt & Melinda and then Sunday we got to see Wall-E, which deserves a post of its own (which I’ll write up soon) for how awesome it was. One of the best movies this summer and definitely one of Pixars finest.
All in all, a great weekend.
Matt out.
by Matt | Jun 19, 2008 | Personal
So, we’re developing a new web site at work, and I needed some dummy text as a place holder for a section called “Who’s Having fun?” Rather than use regular old Lorum Ipsum, I decided to actually write a paragraph or two, just for my own enjoyment, lol.
We’re all having fun. Pie is fun. I like to eat pie. Apple pie, Blueberry pie, Strawberry Rubarb pie, Key Lime pie. Oh, Key Lime is good pie. Have I ever told you about the time I made a Key Lime pie and it caught the cat on fire. Well, not directly, but the oven sure did. That’s ridiculous, pie setting cats on fire, who would think such a thing. Crazy people, that’s who. And we’re certainly not crazy. Nope nope. We don’t even talk to ourselves, that’s how not crazy we are. Nope, we just enjoy pie. I think that’s a universal law. Liking pie. I mean, who doesn’t like pie? Cats on fire I suppose, and maybe Communists. I bet the Commies don’t like pie. That’s what’s wrong with that system of government, no pie. How can you have a constructive society without social problems when you have no pie. I tell ya what.
Now just don’t get me started on cake. The cake is a lie. I found that out the hard way. Got all the way to the end and did I get cake? Hell no. They teased me with the promise of cake the entire way and then, just at the last second, no cake. What kind of a deal is that? I tell you, they wouldn’t have done that over at Black Mesa. Those guys are nice over there. Especially that Dr. Freeman. Quiet guy, doesn’t talk much. But man, you get him to a bar and that cat can’t shut up. I bet he gets cake. Any time he wants too.
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