by Matt | Mar 18, 2008 | Personal
I know it’s not necessarily news worthy, but it’s not something I do every day so I felt the need to mention it. I actually bought new shoes on Sunday. This is astonishing because A) I don’t spend money on myself for anything other than video games and B) I hadn’t gotten a new pair of shoes in 4 years. The last time I was at the New Balance factory in Boston was the last time I got any. So, with parts falling off, leather falling apart, holes in the sides, I decided to retire my shoes in the shoe grave yard known as the “back of the closet”. I went over to Kohls since they were having one of their “we’re having a special sale, but really it’s the sale we have every weekend to trick your wives into coming in every weekend” sale. I ended up with two pairs of Sketchers. Actually, they’re those kinda in-between shoes/sneakers/loafers shoes.

The first ones are all black and I figure might be dressy enough to wear while I’m working a wedding or at the very least a corporate shoot. The tred on the bottom is a little funky, almost like cleats, but it’s soft rubber so it has some good support.

The second ones are a bit more casual. They’re actually the ones I’m wearing at the moment. Medium brown with maroon stripes down the sides. I figured I could wear them with jeans or slacks or even shorts. They were the most comfortable, so I figure they’ll be my every day wear.
Like I said, it’s not like you guys care what I have on my feet, but for me, picking these dumb things out took over an hour. I hate spending money on myself, but shoes are one of those rare things that no one else can pick out for you. Shirts, sure, whatever. Pants, yeah, that’s fine. Shoes… umm, no, I’m going to need to try those on. It doesn’t help that my feet at super crazy wide (4E) so finding shoes that are comfortable is a friggin chore.
I like’em.
by Matt | Feb 18, 2008 | Personal
I need a laptop.
The 30 steps it takes to walk from my couch to my computer is simply too much. I could easily be writing this from the comfort of my living room, enjoying the Firefly marathon going on in my DVD player but nooooo, I have to have a “desktop” computer that, despite my constant insisting to the contrary, apparently does not go with the decorum of the room. I don’t know why. A giant, metallic blue, neon glowing computer is just what every living room needs in my opinion. Of course, my opinion on interior furnishing wavers towards whatever was “on sale” at the time, and so I need to defer to the experts on such matters. My wife assures me I’m wrong on all accounts, blue neon included. She is the expert after all. If it were up to me the living room would be full of bean bags and those cool video game chairs with the speakers built in. That tends to put a crimp on entertaining guest but hey, if my guests can’t appreciate a good bean bag, why are they at my house in the first place?
I jest of course. Just not about the laptop.
Unfortunately, there are far too many other things that require my financial attention. A boy can dream though, right?
I’m rambling. What I had really intended to talk about were the 400 things I haven’t designed, implemented or gotten to and how I need to do all of the above. I won’t. Mostly because I don’t have to and partly because I don’t want to bore the crap out of you. Which I’m probably doing. I should stop.
What was the point of this post anyway?
Completely random question: What do you guys feel is an appropriate markup for computer building. I mean, if I order someone $1000 in parts, what should I charge them? $1000.50? $1200? $1500? I don’t know how much computer builders make in the wild on a per hour basis. I only ask because I’ve gotten requests to build 3 different systems as of late and, although the “kindness of my heart” is bountiful, I’m not a complete moron. Maybe I should make a website devoted to system building? I am rather good at it. Sub-domains maybe? or something like that. I should take some real pictures of my case.
This has been an exercise in random thought writing. Thank you for your patience. We apologize for the inconvenience. According the Douglas Adams, the only way to get better at writing is to write, regardless of the content.
It’s this whole stream of conscienceness thing I was going for.
I think I’ll make some lemonade.
by Matt | Feb 1, 2008 | Aggravation, Personal
The trouble with Quiznos is not that it exists, which, is a argument some people might make, especially hungry people wanting something that resembles a sandwich in what a sane person might call a timely manner. It’s not their menu, they’re ingredients, or their sandwich making prowess either, all of which might be valid points in their own right but aren’t the main crux of this discussion. No, the problem with Quiznos is their amazing ability to completely fuck up a sandwich is you don’t pay strict attention to the process along the way. Being diverted momentarily to the chip rack, contemplating soup instead of the afor mentioned chips, looking longingly at the bottled drink cooler even though you know its more economical to get the obligatory combo, all of which will cause instant fuckery with your sandwich. It also doesn’t help that the Quiznos counter is designed in such a way as to create a seemingly impregnable barrier between you the customer and the sandwich being made for you. Sneeze guards so high that you can’t see any of the ingredients, counters just high enough to make those sneeze guards ridiculously high in the first place, and stickers, adverts, menu options and nutritional facts stuck all over it to the point that it might as well have been a solid wall to begin with. So, hungry customers such as myself are left with two options: to either stand on our tippy toes, making sure that the “zesty ranch” gets put on your chicken sandwich as it should be or slinking down the counter in defeat whilst the sandwich barista slathers regular mayo all over it. At this point of course you still haven’t been asked what you actually want on your sandwich, nor will you be. This is apparently against Quiznos regulations. No, you’ve ordered your sandwich and now it’s on auto pilot through the construction process. First the meat needs to be weighed. Not, of course, to ensure you’re getting enough, but rather to ensure that you’re not getting one speck more than you’re going to be gouged for at the register. There is a theory which I believe to be true that state that a “sandwich artist” would rather add their own finger to the pile of meat on the scale than to dip back into the ingredients to get more. They are however, completely content with cutting a 1/8″ piece of chicken in half and removing the extra 1/16″ so as not to upset the scale gods.
This is at least a more sane process than Subway which doesn’t necessarily weigh but certainly counts the elements on your sandwich. The last time I was in a Subway the conversation went something like this:
Me: Can I have some black olives on that please?
Them: Sure… (adds THREE olives to the sandwich)
Me: Umm, actually, can I have a few more?
Them: Sure… (adds THREE more olives)
Me: Actually, I quite like olives, can I please have a few more?
Them: *silent stare* (adds TWO more olives)
After a few minutes of this I gave up. In the time I had been standing there I had managed to acquire a measly 15 thin slices of olive. Glued back together they wouldn’t have fashioned a reasonable attempt at a dirty martini, let alone a sandwich for anyone hungry, but I figured it wasn’t worth the jail time to try and get more. Not that I couldn’t have worked it out, but I had visions of the police pulling me off dead sandwich makers, their mouths stuffed with fistfuls of black olives, shouting “that’s how you make a sandwich you bastards.” I digress.
By this point your sandwich meat has entered the warm liquid bath. No one really know what it is, but they seem completely content to dip every type of meat imaginable into it to make it slightly warmed and considerably more moist. This is a direct violation of both the laws of nature and the sandwich makers third law of structural bread integrity. Soggy food makes for soggy bread. That’s ok by Quiznos standards because the sandwich is about to take a trip into the heat tunnel. Calling is an oven is a gross mischaracterization. It could be cold, it could be hot, it could be the housing for a tiny thermo-nuclear device, we’ll never know because usually its not turned up high enough to make, well, toast, let alone toast and entire fucking sandwich.
At this point your sandwich has come to room temperature, which is apparently what they were aiming for, because now it exits the tunnel and is handed over to the vegetable portion of the trip. The employee that’s station here must have the easiest job in the world. I say this because it consists of completely ignoring the station at which they are standing. You don’t actually get any lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, or OLIVES without asking. Even then you have to catch them trying to wrap up your sandwich before they have a chance to do so. You’ll never actually be asked if you want anything and once that sandwich is wrapped you can forget about them opening it back up to correct it. Then your sandwich, which is nothing more than pre-measure meat and mayo, is wrapped and taped and handed to you along with a $12 bill, because of course you just needed to have that tea in the bottle and not the tea from the soda fountain.
By now you’re wondering why how on earth a place like this could stay in business when they’re so completely dense. Then you remember that the reason you’re here and not across the street at Subway is because you wanted a “real” sandwich and not one of those corporate sell out sandwiches. Then you feel bad about thinking mean things about Quiznos, pay and head back to your office where you realize that all you have is meat and bread, soggy bread at that, and wish you had the time to go back there and yell at those guys because they really are complete fuck-ups. You’ll of course forget about every bit of this by the next time you go in because all you really want at that point is lunch and surely it can’t be as bad as last time.
by Matt | Feb 1, 2008 | Personal
I didn’t want you to think I was never coming back. My eye feels a lot better. I did indeed have eye-strain but I combated that with lots of sleep, rest, relaxation, and most importantly staying away from computers and video games for a week. I’m also doing away with caffeine completely, which I’m blaming for my eye twitch. This also gives me an excuse to cut out soda completely. I figure that’s an easy 3-500 hundred calories a day for me that I can easily eliminate. Hopefully that will spur me to work out a little and maybe loose a little weight. I am at work so I’ll keep this brief, but I just wanted to say that the old eyeball is doing ok and that I’ll be back posting, playing and whatnot every chance I get.
by Matt | Jan 26, 2008 | Personal
My eyes really hurt. Severe eye-strain fashion. My left eye is all red and I think I popped a blood vessel. It’s blurry, hard to focus, and it feels like I have a headache IN my eye. Like the eye itself is tired and sore, which is probably is. I’ve been over doing the computer at work and the video games at home and I need a break from both for a while. My boss is being kind and finding non-computer things for me to do. I think I’m going to try and see an Ophthalmologist on Monday. At the very least an Optometrist.
I think more than anything I need rest, away from any sort of screen, and sleep. I think that’s 98% of the problem. 🙁
by Matt | Jan 5, 2008 | Aggravation, Personal
I have huge problems with the electoral process in this country. Actually, I have more of a problem with the electoral coverage by the media, but that’s another rant for another time. This will be my one and only statement from now until long after the primaries. I hate politics, politicians anything political and most of all partisan. The entire process is flawed and anyone that’s taken 10th grade social studies can back me up on this.
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