Security can suck it

All week the security nazis here at the Laredo Entertainment Center have been hastling me and Paul. Yesterday was the worst. What I can’t understand is that we’re catching shit while we’re wearing full access badges. People not wearing badges aren’t getting second looks. This was my conversation with two security asshats yesterday…

Tard – Can I help you?
Me – I’m the photographer, excuse me (starts walking past)
Tard – but can I help you with something, who are you with?
Me – I’m the official photographer. See the badge?
Tard – Well, you’ll need to be escourted.
Me – I don’t think so. I’m the OFFICIAL photographer. This is an all access pass, now excuse me I have to get in there.
Tard2 – Excuse me sir, is there a problem?
Me – Yeah, let me through, I’m the photographer, see the badge?
Tard2 – Yes sir, but you’ll have to check in with Guest Services.
Me – I don’t have time for this, excuse me (walks away as the call for the security guard)

It went downhill from there. I won’t bore you with the explatives. Retards.

So, with one night left here in town, let me send a big warm fuzzy “fuck off” to the security morons here at the Laredo Entertainment Center.

From the road: Part 1

So, today was my travel day. Having done most of my preparations the day beforeb I was able to leave out about 9:30 and get to Laredo around 3:30. 5 hours driving plus a break or two for gas and bathrooms. The rental car we got was a Kia Optima and was allegedly the “top notch Kia” if such a thing exists. It did well, I’m not knocking it, but “featureless” doesn’t really beging to describe it.

As I drove I couldn’t help coming up with a mental list of everything I wanted to write about before but didn’t get the chance to. 6 hours in a car alone will do that to you. Having driven the east coast in a similar fashion its amazing how quickly you go through your entire music collection and what you do to amuse yourself along the way.

Pardon me while I sip on my tea, compliments of the lavish complimentary Mr. Coffee machine in each room. Actually, it an upgrade, last year they didn’t have one. They must have gotten my hate mail about the $5 instant coffee available in the lobby.

Moving on… Has anyone noticed that MacDonalds has changed their food in about a decade. Seriously, I got chicken nuggets outside of San Antonio and it was like stepping back into 1985. What I can remotely understand is the mass apeal of Mickey D’s. They’re the largest and most popular hamburger in the world? Huh? Obviously people across the globe don’t know better. Shit, peole in foreign countries would pee themselves if they got ahold of a Whataburger. I treasure that place like its the lost city of the Incas.

I’ve lost my train of thought. My appologies. I’m quite tired from the drive. Since the brilliant plan to provide me with internet while I’m here had a bit of a flaw in it, namely the complete lack of wireless capabilities with the machine I brought, tomorrow I’ll recant you the tale of how I rectified the situation… As soon as I figure out how to do that.

Oh, and if you notice spelling or grahmar mistakes in the posts this week, please forgive me, the Sidekick likes to punctuate the shit out of things for no reason at all.



So, after my wedding last night, at 11:30, I started driving the 2 and a half hours to New Braunfels. It turned out to be 3 hours because of the severe thunder storms that dumped on me as I drove. Around 2am I rolled into town and immediatly fell asleep in our room. We’re staying at a ranch type place called the T-Bar-M. No, I don’t know what that’s supposed to mean. Today we were going to check out the water park here in town but opted for the giant outlet mall instead because of the weather. I just scored a new Red Sox hat at the Lids outlet to replace my turning purple 3+ year old one. At the moment this post is being brought to you via my Sidekick outside of the Pacsun store. Tonight is real Texas steak at a claasic Texas steak house followed by drinking and possibly XBox (Chris brought his). Basically, I’m just chilling for the weekend and going with the flow.

Matt out… and wireless.

We’re back…

…too bad our bag didn’t make it back with us. Yup, Southwest lost our luggage. Actually, the asshat that checked us in at the airport in Manchester probably lost it. See, we checked in at the curb in Manchester. Apparently you’re supposed to tip these guys and the guy was visibly pissed when I didn’t. I have no doubt he ripped the tag off our bag and promptly lost it in the nearest dumpster. And you know what, I don’t feel bad about not tipping him. I tip generously EVERYWHERE. I leave 18%+ at restaurants, sometimes more if the service is especially good. This guy did nothing except hand me the boarding pass and he basically sticks his hand out in front of me. Sorry pal, maybe if you had helped me get it out of the car or something.

I digress, I don’t want this to be what I remember from my trip. The vacation itself was excellent. We got to spend time with my family, see their new house, hang out with my friends, visit Boston and everything. Chris and Chip seem to be doing well. Chris is working happily away at his new job and Chip, despite back trouble, is looking better than I’ve ever seen him. It was good to spend time with both of them. I only wish I could have been there longer.

As for my family, their doing well too. My dad has dived into his teaching job full at full throttle and my mom is generally happier with her commute now than in the past. My grandmother is doing well despite the loss of my grandfather and the rest of the family seems to be doing well also.

While I was there I managed to get my brother setup to play BF and DC with me (and if Chip wants to install it again, just name the date and time and I’ll be there to play). I also got a #9 Red Sox hat that I had been looking for as well as a new pair of sneakers.

It was a great trip. It was good to see NH again. To smell that fresh air, to see the leave changing, and to be surrounded by the peace of quiet of the lakes region. Very relaxing.

Ok, well, I’ve got to go home and make a list of items that were in the suitcase. Apparently, the FAA says that the airline is responsible for at most $2500. I doubt my things are worth that, but I don’t intend to get low-balled either. I think $1000 is probably about right, for all my clothes, Laurens clothes, plus our trouble. Sounds good to me.

Matt out.


Get ready boys and girls. MATTS COMIN’ HOME.

Yours truly will descend upon New England on the 1st of October. Clear your calendars folks.

More later. I promise.

I’m Back!

Hey gang. You’re friendly neighborhood photo guy is back. It was, without doubt, one of the longest weeks of my life. Make that two weeks. After the Texans thing and the pageant combined my ass is dragging. I’m back here at the office and Lauren is on her way to pick me up. I didn’t want to leave my car here in the ghetto all week so I left it at the apartment. I’m a bit too tired to go into the detail of my week, I’ll save that for tomorrow when more than 3 or 4 brain cells are firing at the same time. I’ve got quite a few stories to share and I’d like to do them justice. So, like I said, tomorrow will be story day. For the time being I’m going home and going directly to sleep. Then I’ve got to come back here to the office tomorrow, at no particular time thankfully, to help with the copying of pictures from our laptops to our storage computers here at the office. 20G’s of pictures won’t move themselves. After that it’s a quick Wednesday and Thursday and then I get an extended 4 day weekend to rest and relax. I need it. I deserve it.

Matt out.