Just a quick hello to let everyone know we’re back and doing just fine. We got back on Sunday and we’ve spent the last few days setting up the apartment, moving Lauren’s things over, unpacking and generally enjoying everything there is to enjoy about starting your life with someone you love. It’s the best feeling in the world. I just wanted to let everyone know just one more time how much it ment to me that you guys came down to Texas for the wedding. It means everything in the world to me. We had such a blast on our honeymoon that it’s hard to fit it all into a journal post. I’m going to write several of them and bring them to work with me over the next few days. It’ll be a whole novel about all the fun we had. I’m at work right now so I obviously don’t have time to write anything that involved, so like I said, I’ll do it from home and bring it in.

I also know that a number of you have asked about pictures and when you’ll be able to see them. The answer is soon. I’m actually editing the galleries tomorrow and I’ll be putting them up when I’m done. I’ll let everyone know when they’re ready.

Gotta run, work to do.

Matt out.

“I ain’t got time to take a fast train…”

Or so goes that song involving air travel. It’s official, I’m flying to TX Sunday morning. I’ll be there by noon. I only booked a one way ticket. I don’t know when I’ll be back. I’m a little excited, I’m a little scared. I may stay only a few days, I might stay a few weeks. Lauren’s family (both immediate and grand-parents) have offered me rooms to stay in and that’s very kind of them. I don’t think it’s quite sunk in that there’s a 50/50 chance I won’t be back to NH for quite some time. Of course, the other 50% of that chance is that I’ll be back on Thursday and be packing up my life. I’m usually spontaneous but not this spontaneous.

I’m really hoping that this is my big chance. If it isn’t it’ll be the near biggest let down for me in recent history. I’m probably setting myself up for disappointment by hoping for this so much but it really would solve so many problems.

My plan tomorrow is to get my hair cut and go get a new Red Sox hat (my old one is white and quite a bit dirty). You just have to represent the home town when abroad. After that it’s home to pack and try to relax while getting ready for my trip. I don’t know how often I’ll be able to get online once I’m in TX. I’ll try, but there’s no guaranties. These are the times I really wish I had a laptop.

Alright. Happy 4th everyone. It’s time for me to try and unwind a little. Later.

Turn of Events

I had a whole long and details post planned about what I’ve been doing for the past few days but something incredible has happened. I got an email yesterday from Ladd Photography in Houston and they want me to fly down for an interview as soon as possible. They have an eight day road trip planned for the end of July and they need to fill their full time position before then. They were very interested in talking to me and would like me to come down next week. So… I’m going to Texas.

What a mind job. I planned on going down the first week of August for a week or so to interview with various places but this is a bit short notice. The good kind of short notice. I’m going to assume that since they want to to come to Houston, and they know I’m in NH, that they’re not jerking my chain and that there’s a good possibility of them hiring me. If not, that’s a really mean thing to do.

So, I’m looking up plane tickets at the moment. Wow. Who knew. I don’t know if my plan will be to do a quick 2 day turn-around visit or if it makes more sense to get a one way ticket, stay for a little while and then come back when convenient to get my things (aka: my life in boxes).

Wow. I can’t really get over this, it’s a bit of a shock. I’ll try and keep everyone up to date when I can. Wish me luck.

Last Call

This will be the last post for a little while. Odds are we won’t have a cable modem in Savannah right away. It’ll probably take till at least the end of next week or even longer. I’m packing up stuff as I speak and this is going in a box very shortly. I might keep it out for a little while so I can get ahold of Chip. If he is planning on being around today I might be able to give him the 32 port hub I borrowed so it can get back to Dave. Anyways, while I’m traveling I obviously can’t update (unless I find a netCafe or something) so I figured I’d leave you guys with a few links to keep you busy. These are a few of my “daily links” or links that I visit fequently. Enjoy:

Deviant Art – random artsy things. Applications skins, wallpaper, etc.
SurfStation – random artsy links.
URL DJ – links and interesting stories.
Penny Arcade – best online comic, period.
NeoWin – Windows, gaming and tech news.
Something Awful – randomly interesting. offensive, crude and often funny.
FARK – random links and humor.
[H]ardOCP – daily tech news. mostly hardware.
Worth1000 – Daily Photoshop contests.
Essential US – for you Techno fans, the Essential Mix US homepage. good place to find track listings or just ideas for good tracks.
NewsFactor – news on just about everything computer related.
ShackNews – game news and lots of it.

That’s about it. I’ll take to you guys soon. Take care.