“My hypocrisy only goes so far”

I'm your huckleberry...

Summer Card Show

A week or two ago it was time for the annual Tristar Collectors Show in Houston. I never really go with a ton of cash, so I don't make any huge purchases, but I do enjoy just thumbing through dime boxes for a couple hours. Truth be told, this year I think I ended up...

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Should have been

In case you missed the last post, I railed on a Nolan Ryan card in Gypsy Queen for being, well, completely terrible. Lest I be accused of starting trouble and not offering solutions, here you go. What should have been. Nolan Ryan's Gypsy Queen card, and bonus photo...

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I complained about this last year, and I'm going to repeat myself and complain about it again this year. Why on earth is there no consistency in Gypsy Queen? I'll let you click on that and see it in it's full-sized glory. See anything a bit off? Yeah, the printing job...

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It doesn’t have to be this way

We all scan cards, right? I'm always quick to the scanner with stuff like Gyspy Queen, Ginter, and anything without gloss. I hate the way Chrome cards scan. I either scan them and spend 20 minutes in Photoshop trying to get them to look normal again, or I don't scan...

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Diamond Kings

When I saw the initial "preview" of Diamond Kings a couple months ago I thought I could safely ignore it as a product I didn't really have any interest in. Then I saw the checklist. Then I saw it in person. Now I'm all in. I love these cards. They are awesome. Panini...

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Recently Acquired

I was going to say "What I've Been Buying Lately", but that's George's thing, and I didn't want to sound like I was ripping that off. Quite honestly, this spring has been absolutely boring. With the exception of Gypsy Queen, which I'm on the fence about, and Diamond...

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Today is a rather somber day. Today we received word that our department might be on the chopping block at work. Normally I wouldn't even mention work, but layoffs are a pretty big deal, and it pretty much destroyed my good mood today. You see, today is also the...

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My Fantasy Team by the Cards

Last Saturday our Card Bloggers Fantasy League drafted. I thought it would be a fun little side project to try and put together a "team set" for my fantasy team this year, the Texas Penal League All-Stars, with cards I had sitting around. I'm short by one, but that's...

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All Fixed!

Yay, all fixed! I moved servers and had a PHP version conflict. It was stopping everything from running. Should be back to 100% now.

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Please Stand By

Web server doing weird things. Lots of issues. May have to delete/reinstall WP. Don't worry, doing backups, but site may be up, down, up, down for the next couple days.

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