“My hypocrisy only goes so far”

I'm your huckleberry...

August was nuts

Quite frankly it's still being nuts, but at least it's a sort of manageable nuts that has a plan and a light at the end of the tunnel so to speak. I completely missed out on the Ginter-postocolypse that seemed to go around the community. I bought a blaster, it wasn't...

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Soooo Busy

I've been neglectful in my posting, and I'm actually getting quite annoyed by it. Not at myself for not budgeting my free time, but at work for denying the free time in the first place. It was really a combination of outdated servers, old operating systems, an IT...

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Best Monday Ever

I was fortunate enough to have tickets to the Red Sox - Astros game Monday night. I decided to take the day off work and make a whole event out of it. It was my belated Father's Day present and I had a blast. My brother and I arrived at the park just before 4:00pm...

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Random July Pickups

So, August is here, and that mean I can retrospectively look back at what I picked up in July. This year July was pretty quiet, not only lacking in new products to open, but in lack of random things to find online as well. I only picked up a couple things here and...

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Cheap Stuff

Last week my local Walmart decided to rearrange it's entire card section. It went from a tiny, single shelf near the "self checkout" to an entire isle on the other side of the store, complete with 5 of 6 shelves and a whole new card game section. I could care less...

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Crackin’ Wax’s 10 Box Break

This post is terribly overdue. I've been insanely busy, and I've had the box that Topher sent me sitting next to my scanner for far too long. Anyway, since Ginter got pushed back this year, and because we all just need to bust something every once in a while, he was...

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More Brock

I've been slowly adding to my Brock Holt collection over the past month or so. I've had a bit of trouble getting my hands on the harder to find cards (Bowman /25 refractors, etc) since he got called up a couple weeks ago. I had several auction bids in for things,...

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PWE From Pat

Pat from Hot Corner Cards and I did a little PWE exchange last week. He sent a couple cards I needed for my Gypsy Queen set and I sent a couple Tigers his way. Here's my half. The three GQ cards I needed. Kevin Milwood for the "No-Hitters" insert set, CarGo and Austin...

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2013 Panini Golden Age Baseball

When I say things like "I'll post about that tomorrow" and then don't deliver it actually ticks me off a bit. Alas, life is busy and things happen. Also, no one probably cares, so, that's an upside. What I have today, and what I should have had 4 days ago, is a box...

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2013 Panini Prestige Football Box Break – Big Mojo!

So, surprise, I've got some boxes to bust! I was the winner of Panini's "Find it Friday" contest and they sent me two awesome hobby boxes of cards. I received a box of 2013 Panini Prestige Football and a box of 2013 Panini Golden Age. I busted them seperately, and...

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