“My hypocrisy only goes so far”

I'm your huckleberry...

Independence Day

IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the...

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The Fourth

The Preamble to The Bill of Rights Congress of the United States, begun and held at the City of New-York, on, Wednesday the fourth of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine. The Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the...

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David Ortiz and the Trade Baits

That's the name of my new band. I kid, I kid. I picked up a couple cheap, last minute items on ebay and then, as I'm sure most of you do, took a look at what else the seller had in hopes of getting a good deal with combined shipping. Oh, and this wasn't the "combined...

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2013 USA Baseball from Panini

For someone who gets a huge kick out of Team USA cards, you'd have figured I'd be camped out in front of Walmart waiting for them to arrive. It was nearly a month ago that they were released and only this week did they finally show up at my local brick and mortar. If...

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What would you do?

On Friday, I won 5 auctions from the same ebay seller. $0.01 each. $2.75 for shipping, FOR EACH. The seller won't combine shipping, despite it being listed as part of the auction. Ebay CS told me that sellers don't have to combine shipping, and aren't obligated to do...

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PWE From The Hot Corner

Pat from Hot Corner Cards surprised me with a PWE this week. He saw my Brock Holt collection post and chipped in two I didn't have. I hadn't bought any Archives and very little Heritage this year, and each product had a Holt I was missing. Archives is a love it or...

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Unknown Awesome

I just got a mystery package, an awesome "B Strong" car decale. I have no idea which one of you to thank, but "thank you!" Anyone recognize "Diamond Graphics" in Rhinebeck NY?

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Microsoft E3 Briefing, live blogged

Watching the MS E3 briefing this morning. This is a "stream of conscientiousness" thing, will update with details after. Opening: 11:30: Metal Gear. MG meets Splinter Cell. Could be interesting. Can't stand that MG style game play. 11:40: New (version 3?) of the 360...

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Buchholz RCs

I have roughly (and this is a completely imaginary number) 400 Clay Buchholz rookie cards. Or so it seems. 2008 was the year of a million products and he was a hot rookie. There's a Buchholz rookie in nearly every product from that year. Sometimes, as I'm about to...

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Brock Holt

The way I pick player collections is this: I don't. They pick me. After stacking up an inordinately large number of the same player I start to contemplate adding him to my non-Sox player collection. If I get a hit or an auto from that player later on, then I'm pretty...

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