“My hypocrisy only goes so far”
I'm your huckleberry...Binderatopia
Recently, we were closing down and consolidating two offices in the same town into one new larger office, there were a lot of office supplies that were doubled and that they were throwing away. Our receptionist, who knows I'm a card collector, was tasking with...
Mail Week: Day Five – Dimwit GQ Loot
Moving away from return packages for the moment, I also received the group case break loot from Sam's 2013 Gypsy Queen case. He landed plenty of awesome autos and relics, but unfortunately, I was hitless. On the bright side, that landed me an extra spot in the "whole...
Mail Week: Day Four – GCRL
In case you're unfamiliar with the acronym, GCRL stands for "Garvey, Cey, Russell, Lopes" a finely run Dodgers blog by my new friend Jim. He claimed the Dodgers in my Spring Cleaning and sent an awesome collection of stuff in return. Jumping right in, GCRL hooked me...
Mail Week: Day Three – Too Many Verlanders
Day three of our epic mail week continues. Today, Dennis from Too Many Verlanders drops a ton of awesomesauce on an already full plate of win. (ok, that last sentence is just insane). Seriously though, Dennis sent some great stuff. As always, this is but a selection...
Mail Week: Day Two – The Lost Collector
Continuing on with our theme this week, Day Two is highlighting the awesome package AJ over at The Lost Collector sent my way. It needs to be mentioned that these are just a small sampling of the great stuff AJ sent my way. First off, another chipping away at my 2010...
Mail Week: Day One – Hot Corner Cards
Normally I'd consider "internet strangers" to be the last people I'd give my home address to, but you guys continue to amaze me with your generosity, not only to me, but to each other. It should stand as a testament to the spirit of the card community that we complete...
April Mail Day
I have all sorts of loose ends regarding mail these days. I'm finally finished a big project at work and I actually have a minute to collect my thoughts on things and get back to my neglected scanner. First, a more than overdue thank you to the infamous JayBarkFan,...
Opening Day Card Roster
I actually had this planned for Monday, but my dumb ass forgot the Napoli card I'm about to show off and I didn't have a chance to get it on the scanner until today. I was also searching to see if I had any cards for Tazawa or Victorino, and I don't, at all. So, yeah....
Gypsy Queen 2013
So, I had some errands to run, and after hearing rumors of early Gypsy Queen sightings, I made a trip to both my local Walmart and Target. I stuck out at Target (but did find a $11.99 box of Bowman Platinum - a post for later), but Walmart had 4 boxes and a full rack...
Sweet Booklet
My last and final foray into National Treasures just arrived in the mail. I picked up a really slick booklet card, another first for me (see yesterday's printing plate). Numbered 14/99 with an incredible green jersey swatch, Jacoby Ellsbury booklet card from Panini...