“My hypocrisy only goes so far”

I'm your huckleberry...

Couldn’t Wait

I was going to wait until tomorrow, but I've got a little "Christmas morning" syndrome going on at the moment and I simply can't wait. Just arrived in the mail 10 minutes ago... Nice. The front And this is the actual card it produced, just for reference. This is my...

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Spring Cleaning Update

So, hopefully most people should have their packages at this point. I know I've gotten a couple emails already, a couple blog posts as well. I'm really happy you guys liked them. I'm glad the cards found the right homes. They were just collecting dust in my...

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SCAD Baseball No More

SCAD Baseball No More

I learned this morning that SCAD has completely dismantled their baseball program. The 2012 season was their last and there will be no more SCAD baseball or softball going forward. Apparently they did the same for basketball a couple years back as well. In all...

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And out they go!

All 10 boxes I had packed up are now on their way. Everyone who had requested cards in the past two weeks has a box on the way to them. I used the option on USPS.com to email each recipient, so you should all have tracking info in your inbox. It's ALL priority 2-3...

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Quick Pickups

I decided to put most of my February and March card money towards two massive breaks. Sam's Gypsy Queen case break, and Tophers Allen & Ginter case break. By buying into those two, I've pretty much guaranteed my important sets are complete for the year. The only...

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When the Sox are in Town

With the beginning of the season right around the corner, and the "season ticket holders first" bullshit embargo finally over with buying tickets, I took a look at getting some seats to all the Astros vs Red Sox games this year. I had heard on the radio that they had...

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So, first of all, a big thank-you to all you guys for your response to my spring cleaning. I've got a considerable amount packed up and ready to go. Somewhere along the way I realized that I've never really sent this many cards out before. I had to rethink the...

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Three More, Out the Door

Update on my spring cleaning. Three more packages went out today. Diamondbacks, Rangers and Dodgers are all on their way to new homes. They are all priority 2-3 day, so you guys should have them in hand probably Monday or Tuesday. I also handed Sam his stack of Astros...

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Ok, so, this is just getting stupid. I put in all the codes I had sitting around from S1. Take a look at my player lineup. THREE Mike Trout??? Troutsi? Troutsizzes? What the hell Topps? I certainly don't mind him as a player, he's probably going to get, oh, I dunno, a...

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