“My hypocrisy only goes so far”

I'm your huckleberry...

Stars and Stripes

One of my Christmas gifts from my awesome wife was a box of 2015 Panini Stars and Stripes. I've been a fan of Team USA related stuff for a long time and now that Panini has the license, they've been doing some cool things with the brand. The box isn't very big at 10...

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Lots of lots from Sportlots

I was trying to update my "want list", which has quite a few random base cards on it, and I figured Sportlots would be a great place to finish off those checklists. I've ordered several times from there, always with good results. They deal mainly in base cards and...

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A Mystery Relic

I figured I'd start off with the card so that it's clearer what I was actually talking about. I purchased this card back in November, I think. I didn't know anything about it, what it was from, or how rare it was. It doesn't have any numbers on it, or any details...

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After I showed off that 5/5 mini yesterday, I thought about some of the other minis from 2015. Then I realized I had no idea if I had finished collecting the Ginter or GQ minis this year. I've been terrible about keeping track. I have no lists of cards I need for the...

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Mini Masterpiece

I love minis when they're done right. That started with 2011 Gypsy Queen, which I still believe was a high point for that product, and the start of my infatuation with minis as a whole. They're always harder to find, but a complete pages of minis is a sight to behold....

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Less Hate for Chrome

I was fairly vocal last year about my disdain for Topps Chrome. I didn't buy any, I didn't like it, I was just done with that whole product. I remember having lunch with Sam back in September and discussing Chrome in general and how this year, allegedly, retail was...

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Slightly Better Luck

I mentioned the other day how I had some really terrible luck with retail boxes. I nearly swore off retail buying entirely after that fiasco and it wasn't until a trip right before Christmas that I decided to buy anything again. I had become enamored with those chrome...

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There's several posts I've got lined up that deal with buying retail. It's my closest option, it's my only option if I want to buy something in person. In two of these posts I'm going to actually (hold on to something) give Topps praise for doing something right. This...

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Christmas Cards

The best kind of Christmas cards aren't those with wreathes and holly or pictures of fat Dutch saints with beards. The best kind of cards are small, covered in pictures from this crazy game called "base ball" and from friends. These particular cards came from my...

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Mega Mookie

I'm not exactly sure what my plan was regarding this card. It's not like it fits into a box, or a page, or even my display case. Regardless, nabbing a 1/10 5x7 "Topps online exclusive" card for next to nothing was rather appealing. It's big, it's huge, it's 5x7 for...

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